Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
Celebrating 32 Years 1992 - 2024
L. H. "Ludy" Bennett
U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
about Lyttleton H. Bennett
Name: Lyttleton H. Bennett
Side: Confederate
Regiment State/Origin: Florida
Regiment Name: 7 Florida Infantry
Regiment Name Expanded: 7th Regiment, Florida Infantry
Company: D
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Sergeant
Rank Out Expanded: Sergeant
Film Number: M225 roll 1
The Name of the Soldier is Ludy....Perhaps that was a nickname? All records show Ludy
From the Bennett Family Bible Records:
On December 26, 1845, Mary Polly Cauthen Bennett, wife of Simon P. Bennett and mother of the Bennett Boys (Alfred, Philemon, William Ruffin, James Kerney, Horry, George Washington, Reuben, and Simon Cauthen) died giving birth to her tenth child, Simon Cauthen Bennett.
In 1849 Simon P. Bennett married a second time to Sallie Baskins Horton, a widow, and sister of his daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Wells Baskins, wife of son, Philemon.
Sarah (Sallie) Baskins married Lewis Horton first.
Family tradition says that four of the Horton sons were in he Confederate War, and consequently TWELVE SONS of Simon Bennett and Sarah B. Horton Bennett served in the Confederate cause. All returned, but George Washington Bennett; he died from wounds received at Chickamauga.
Simon Cauthen Bennett was returned home because of his youth.
L.H. Bennett is shown buried next to his two wives, Cary E and Eva May. Cary's parents are also buried next to them. J. M. and Sinai Sparkman.