Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
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— OF —
Boston And Stonington,
With A Contribution To The
History Of His Descendants And
The Allied Families Of Gilbert,
Edwards, Yarrington, And Rust.
Every man is a bundle of his ancestors—Emerson.
Second Edition.
Published By The Author.
NEW YORK, 1906.
OCT 2 1906
L. Middleditch Co., Printers, 65 to 67 Duane St. New York.
First Generation—Amos Richardson 7-25
Second Generation—Stephen Richardson and descendants, ex-
cept in the line of his son Jonathan 26-31
Third Generation—Jonathan Richardson and descendants, ex-
cept in the line of his son Amos 82-89
Fourth Generation—Amos Richardson and descendants, except
in the line of his son Lemuel 40-46
Fifth Generation—Lemuel Richardson and descendants, except
in the line of his son Humphrey 66-92
Sixth Generation—Humphrey Richardson and descendants, ex-
cept in the line of his son Humphrey.. 93-95
Seventh Generation—Humphrey Richardson and descendants,
except in the line of his son Milo A 96-109
Eighth Generation—Milo A. Richardson and his descendants... 110-116
Appendix A—The Jonathan Gilbert Family 117-120
Appendix B—The Edwards Family of Hartford 121-125
Appendix C—The Yarrington Family of New England 126-128
Appendix D—The Rust Family of New England 129-131
¥ AM fond of historical research and have found in it a rest*' ful means of recreation since I first came to New York
City, as a student, in 1871. In tracing out my ancestry and that of many of my friends I have had no intention until recently of publishing any ofit . My reasons for doing so are twofold: first, I have collected so much data during the thirtyfour years since I commenced that it will gratify me to have it placed within the reach of others; second, there is no satisfactory account of Amos Richardson and his descendants. "The Richardson Memorial," written by the Rev. John Adams Vinton, is an excellent genealogy and was a great aid to me, but the dozen pages in it giving the "Posterity of Amos Richardson" were hastily prepared after the Memorial was partly printed and contain many errors and important omissions.
I have gleaned information from so many sources that I cannot mention all who have kindly assisted me. I am indebted to Mrs. Henry F. (Susan Whitney) Dimock of New York and South Coventry for invaluable aid, without which this work would never have been written. Her privately printed records of Coventry placed a flood of information in my hands, and in addition I have had the benefit of her private memoranda taken from town records and tomb-stone inscriptions.
A complete list of others who have assisted me would certainly include ex-Speaker Winthrop,* and his son, Robert C. Winthrop, Jr.,* ofBoston; Judge Richard A. Wheeler,* and his daughter, Miss Grace D. Wheeler of Stonington; Roswell Richardson* of Waitsfield, Vt.; Newton Reed,* author of the "History of Amenia," and his daughter, Miss Mary H. Reed; Hon. Roderick Richardson* of Boston; Miss Helen Wilkinson Reynolds of Poughkeepsie; Frank Lorenzo Hamilton of Meriden, Conn.; Mrs. Irving Robinson of Elizabethtown, N. 0.; Judge Gilbert Collins ofJersey City; John L. Richardson of
Bloomsburgh, Pa.; Dr. George Denison Stanton of Stonington; Reuben H. Smith, editor of the Thomaston (Conn.) Express; Major Azel Ames ofWakefield, Mass.; Miss Charlotte S. Mann of New York; and Mrs. Frank L. Howe of Northfield, Vt.
To these and many others I tender most hearty thanks. My effort I trust may lead some one more competent than I to write a full genealogy ofthe family.
Undoubtedly some will be disappointed because I have not given more data outside of my own direct line. This I could not do, as it involved more work and expense than I was able to undertake.
This account is marked second edition because a year ago the first three generations were put in type and a hundred copies printed and circulated to assist in getting further information. Important additions and corrections have since been mada
R. L. Richardson. 403 West 126th Street, New York.
A CCORDING to Camden's "Remains," Richard the Little, •**• son of Lord Belward, soon after the Norman conquest had a son called John Richard-son, taking his father's name with the addition of son for his surname. "Hence came the name and family of Richardson." This is quoted in the "Richardson Memorial," and gives color to the erroneous supposition that the different families by the name of Richardson have descended from a common ancestor by that name.
Nor does it add much to our knowledge to know that Richard was a Norman name. At the time that surnames came into use in England about the thirteenth or fourteenth century, Richard was a common Christian name among all classes. As Richard Grant White states, "the conquerors' language yielded to the strength and the foothold of the English speech, but their names were diffused all over England, and within less than a century and a half had almost wholly driven the English names out of the country." Charles W. Bardsley, an English authority on names, says, "The Norman list was really a small one but it took possession of the whole of England. * * * * Various methods to secure a personality arose. The surname was adopted and there were John Atte-wood, John the Wheelwright, John the Bigg, and John Richard's son in every community. Among the middle and lower classes these did not become hereditary till so late as 1450 or 1500."
Next to John and William, Richard was one of the names most frequently used during the four hundred years preceding the Reformation, and presumably hundreds of Richardson families derived their name from ancestors who had been christened Richard, but had no connection with each other.
In Burke's "General Armory" for 1844 is given a description of the arms of twenty-one different Richardson families, but it is not known that any of the early settlers by that name, in America, had the right to use arms.
THERE is nothing known about Amos Richardson prior to May 22, 1639. On that date he was a witness at Boston with Stephen Winthrop of a deed from Governor Winthrop to Thomas Purchase. He was born probably about 1623, as the Boston Court Archives have his affidavit when he was "aged forty years or there abouts." This is without date, but there was one by Mary Harmon, June 11, 1663, for the same case. The Genealogical Dictionary, by the late James Savage, says, "Amos Richardson of Boston, merchant tailor, perhaps one of that great London guild." "A man of great enterprise and good estate." "A good letter from him to Fitz John Winthrop at Cardross in Scotland, written September 13, 1659, signed Amos Richardson, was given to me."
Mr. Savage must have learned some things about him which are now unknown; at least the letter referred to cannot be found.
In some of the Winthrop family letters he is described by his Christian name only.*
•From Lucy Downing (wife of Emanuel Downing and sister of John Winthrop, the elder) at Salem to John Winthrop, Jr., at New London, Dec. 17th, 1648.
"I then writ to Amos to get the butcher to pay my sonn Stoder 3 pounds ten in peas and would pay William but Amos could not preuayle."
From Governor John Winthrop at Boston to John Winthrop, Jr., at Hartford, Feb'y. 3rd, 1649. "You wrote to Amos about prices of beife and pork." "I think he will write to you not to send any as it will not yield above 3d the pound at most."
From Adam Winthrop at Boston to John Winthrop, Jr., at New London, May 3rd, 1649.
"According to your desire I haue lett the orchard to Amos and Goodman Gridley" * * * "Amosse has bought a maid servant for you, if you haue occation for one. She is for 4 yeers, & is to be paid for hir time."
He was closely connected with the Wintlirop family for many years, acting under a power of attorney for Stephen while the latter was in England, being associated with Dean as cue of the proprietors of Groton, and looking after many business matters for Mrs. Downing. He was the agent for Governor John Winthrop, the younger, and with him gave credit to Samuel Winthrop, of St. Christophers, in the West Indies.* He also acted for Capt. Wait Winthrop as umpire in a mill dispute.
In addition to carrying on the business of merchant tailor, he soon became a general trader throughout the colonies, and, with his own vessels, to the West Indies. He acquired large tracts of land, probably as many as five thousand acres, at Stonington, New London, and in the Narragansett country.
During the early history of Massachusetts there were no practicing lawyers and a number of business men acted as attorneys. It is stated that Amos Richardson was one of the three most active attorneys in the law courts during the life of the Massachusetts colony.
On July 6, 1642, he bought a house and lot, being an acre, more or less, of George Bromer (late purchased of James Stokes), for seventeen pounds. Stephen Winthrop and John Tinker were witnesses of the deed. The land was situated on
*Letters from Samuel Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.
"St. Xtophers, Sept. 8th 1657."
"I am infinitely ingaged to yor self & Mr. Richardson, & so sensible thereof that I will not call any thing of wt God hath Tent mee mine untill I haue to ye utmost farthing discharged that ingagement."
"Antigua, Nov. 8th, 1663. As to Mr. Richardsons debts here, I have had much trouble with it; & last year by seurall discompts & changes, I brought ye debt into my hands." "It was ye 1 Aug. 1662. "Since wch here hath been no conueyance, nor I could not send a letter nor any relief to my children." "It troubles me much he hath it not."
"My last to him was 27th Aug. last: in wch I begged of him to order some vessell to call for it about June next, for we make sugr only in ye spring & summer; after July none."
"Sept. 1664. I haue here reddy for Mr. Wharton 20 odde thousand pounds of sugr for Mr. Richardson & to supply my sonnes. I expect his catch from Barbadoes euery day. I wish she were well gone wth itt, that Mr. Richardson might rayle no more at me. I hope when I haue stopt his mouth full of interest & allowance between money and country pay (though mine hath all bin mony pay to him all along) that he will hold his peace."
what is now the north side of Summer Street, where Hawley Street has been cut through. It was then a rear lot with no street connection; Summer Street not being laid out until 1645.
A Commission was appointed September 15, 1645, "to lay out a new way through the gardens towards the wind-mill." "To begin between Nicholas Parker's house and Robert Reynold's garden (on Washington Street) and go forth between Amos Richardson's and John Palmer's house."
In 1683 Hawley Street was called Richardson's lane.* This was his home for more than twenty years and probably until he moved to Stonington (about 1663); here all of his children were born. During the next fifty years Summer Street became one of the finest residential streets in Boston; adjoining the site of Amos Richardson's home the first Trinity Church was erected.
On March 22, 1647, he purchased two acres from Francis Smith, fronting on the Common at what is now the southeast corner of Tremont and Winter Streets. He owned other property in Boston, some of it near the Winthrop dock. Capt. James Johnson and Peter Oliver were partners with him in some of this wharf property.
On June 20, 1661, Col. Stephen Winthrop deeded to him the northeast corner of Governor Winthrop's home lot; it does not appear in the deed what the consideration was. Emanuel Downing was one of the witnesses. This lot was about 24 feet, on Washington Street, by 54, on Spring Lane, and adjoined the Colonel's house and land. The remainder of the Winthrop estate subsequently became the property of Old South Church, on the southwest corner of which the present historic "Old South" was erected in 1729.
In 1679 he gave this lot to his daughter Sarah, and her husband, Timothy Clarke. It was then described as "All my Messauge or Tenement late in the tenure & occupation of Sarah Pickering widdow deed."
He also obtained a number of grants of land, very early in the settlement, at Pequot. The New London town records show the following: "Memorandum for town meeting Sept. 20, 1651, Amos Richardson is to have a lot."
Caulkin's History states that he was from Boston and had commercial dealings with' the planters and that instead of taking up. a new lot he purchased that of Richard Post on Post Hill. "Aug. 9, 1653. House lot to Amos Richardson's brother, the millwright (afterwards called brother-in-law)."
"He had subsequently a grant of a large farm east of the river under the same vague denomination: he has not been identified."
"Two necks of land extending into the Sound, one called 'a pyne neck,' with a broad cove between them, was granted to Isaac Willey and by him sold to Amos Richardson."
"Still another containing several hundred acres of land and separated from Hugh Caulkin's land by a brook called Mistuxet, was laid out to Amos Richardson and his brother in 1653."*
Part of this division was known by the Indian name of "Quonaduck."
In October, 1661, Antipas Newman, of Wenham, sold him a large tract of land, called Caulkin's Neck, bounded by the above Quonaduck farm on the East, Caulkin's brook West, Capt . George Denison's North, and South by the Sea.
Pequot, now New London, embraced the present town of Stonington, where the last three of the above described grants were located.
The deed of the Indian sachem Nealewort for a part of this land was dated August 26, 1658, and is recorded at Stonington. It is described as "a tract of land called Quinabogue lying and being near to the country of the Late Pequed Indians for and in consideration of the great Love and affection I beare unto Amos Richardson of Boston in the Mass. Colony, Englishman. * * * contain by measure one English mile and half square on each side of that River called Quinabogue River next Adjoining to ye land or farme granted to John Winthrop Esq. Governor of the English Colony on Connecticut River northward of the said farme and is called by the name of Nayumscut and Quaduecatuck."
*Abigail Richardson married John Marrett at Boston, on July 20, 1654, and they had a son Amos, but that was a year too late for the conjecture that he might have been the brother-in-law referred to. Amos was then quite an uncommon name in New England.
Wheeler's ''History of Stonington" locates this property as "the land lying between Stonington Harbor, Lambert's Cove and Stony Brook on the east, Fisher's Island Sound on the south, and Quiambaug Cove on the west up to a point, from which a direct line easterly passing about thirty rods south of the residence of Mr. Henry M. Palmer to Stony Brook, constituted the north boundary line of said tract of land."
The family name of Mary, wife of Amos Richardson, is unknown; he did not, however, have a second wife, as stated in the "RichardsonMemorial." It is probable that they were married in 1642, the year that he purchased his house and garden.
It is conjectured that the brother-in-law referred to above was Richard Smith, of Lancaster, a "mill-wright," whose first wife Mary died with her infant March 27, 1654, and who married, on the 10th of the following August, Joanna Quarles at Boston.
It is quite certain that John and Mary Smith, who are claimed to have been the parents of Richard were not the parents of Amos Richardson's wife.
They had a daughter Alice, however, who probably became the second wife of John Tinker, a man very closely associated with Amos Richardson.
He named one of his sons Amos and the inventory of John Tinker's estate* shows that a farm of 240 acres and other property had been deeded to Mr. Richardson for the use of John, Mary and Amos, children of John Tinker.
In 1656 the eight proprietors of Groton included this Richard Smith, with Dean Winthrop, John Tinker and Amos Richardson. Soon after this he moved to Lyme, Conn., where he was a deputy in 1678-9.
His children were Richard (probably by his first wife), John, born 1655, Francis, 1657, James, Elizabeth, who married John Lee. He had a grand-son named Quarles Smith, and the Lyme records mention two Roland grand-sons.
Mary Smith died in 1659 and her husband in July, 1669. In May prior to his death John Smith gave all of his estate to his son in-law, John Moore, in consideration for support; his
*Manwaring's "Hartford Probate Records" Vol. 1.—244.
will mentions only four children—John, Richard, Ann and Alice. There were so many John and Richard Smiths that it is very difficult to untangle their history. The Diary of Thomas Minor, of Stonington, refers to Amos Richardson and his family more than eighty times. On October 29, 1660, he says, "carried the firkin of butter to Mr. Smith for Amos." November 2, 1660, "I weighed Amos his firkin of butter at Mr. Smith's." The following receipt for a horse delivered in the presence of Thomas Minor, Jr., and Ephriam Minor is also found in the Diary: "Delivered unto poor man mine (torn) A horse that he bout of mister Richinsoone and by his appointment and order a horse a chestnut Culer with a blase in his face." * * * "I Say by mee delivered this 14 day of aguste 1661 with my hand Richard Smith." Mr. Richardson at this time lived in Boston.
There was also a James Smith at Rehoboth, and on September 7, 1653, Amos Richardson was appointed administrator of his estate. This was a month after the lot referred to was granted at New London. Nothing further is known about him; but he may have been a brother of Richard.
Another Richard Smith was associated with Richardson and Tinker in the Atherton Company. He was born in Gloucestershire in 1596 and died at Wickford, R. I., in 1666; he established a trading house there in 1637 and was a man of note. He had two sons—Richard, who died without issue in 1692, and James, who died unmarried in 1664.
The Salem Court records show that on October 14, 1656, Major John Hauthorne and Amos Richardson were plaintiffs in a law suit against John Divan, which was adjourned to the next General Court. That is all that is known about it; but they must have had a joint interest in some property.
On March 8, 1662, Edward Hutchinson, William Hudson and Amos Richardson were sent to Rhode Island with a letter from Massachusetts to settle troubles in the Pequot country. They could not have been well received, for two years later the Rhode Island General Assembly denounced them as intruders.
Amos Richardson probably moved to Stonington, Conn., about 1663, but also retained a residence in Boston for a number of years.
His name appears in the list of inhabitants of Narragansett in July, 1663, and of Wickford in May, 1668; but while he had landed interests there it is evident that he never had an actual residence in Rhode Island.
The Diary of Thomas Minor notes, under June 19, 1661, that Mr. Richardson's house was raised and on June 22, 1663, that his son was to finish it that day.
Amos Richardson was one of the most active members of the so-called Atherton Company later called the Narragansett Company, and he must have taken a leading part in the organization of it. This is evident from the following letter:
Boston, July 9, 1659.
To the much-honored John Winthrop, Esq.,
Governor of Connecticut Colony, at Hartford, this present: Honored Sik,—After my service presented unto yourself and Mrs. Winthrop, and all yours for whose absence I was troubled that I did so unhappily to delay one day too long in my coming to New London, so that I could not speak with you there, I had thoughts to come up to Hartford; but the weather being so hot, I darest neither venture myself nor my horse. Sir, you may remember, when I spoke with you last at New London, I gave you a hint of my intents concerning the Narragancet country, which business, as I conceive, is fully effected with the chief sachem.
The quantity, as I judge, is twelve mile alongst in Narragancet Bay. The trading-house being in the middle, it judged to be the only place in the country for a plantation. There are at present seven purchasers besides yourself. The purchase hath cost six score pound. Many there is that would willingly join in it; but we shall do nothing before we speak with you, yourself being mentioned first in the purchase.
Those that are concerned in it is Major Adderton, Mr. Smith and his son, Lieut Hudson, Captain Hutchinson, Mr. Tinker and myself. But if this come once to he settled, it will make Quinnebawge of greater value.
As concerning our friends at Wennam, Mr. Newman was here the last week; but Mr. Mygate hath been there since, who can inform you concerning their health. As for news I have got not any at present, only things are pretty sad in regard of old Mr. Duncome in respect of his last losses disenables him of satisfying his creditors. They now coming upon him forceth him to leave off his dealings, and I doubt his son in the same condition; so by this we may see the uncertainty of these outward things. Thus I rest yours to command,
Amos Richebdson. Sir, I would entreat you to remember my service to Mr. Stone.
The grant to the Atherton Company was in the present town of North Kingston, R. I., in the Narragansett territory which was claimed by Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island, and the disputed claims to ownership were not settled for more than fifty years.
Between the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island a bitter controversy was carried on which at times nearly resulted in.open warfare. Mr. Richardson had other large landed interests in the disputed territory, and was very active in pressing the claims of Connecticut, probably more so than any other man in the colony.
Major John Mason, the noted Indian fighter, seems to have opposed the action of his colony, probably on account of his friendship for Roger Williams. This so exasperated Amos Richardson that he publicly denounced him as a traitor to the colony.
In 1670 Mason sued him for defamation of character and appealed to the General Court for the appointment of a committee to investigate the charge. He secured a judgment for 100 pounds damages in the County Court, but the case was appealed and before further action Mason died, which ended the matter.
In 1677, Amos Richardson sold 180 acres of land situated on the east side of the Pawtucket River, to Thomas Wells, who agreed in payment to build a vessel of fifty tons. This land was located in the disputed territorv. and in 1679 Wells refused to fulfil his contract until Mr. Richardsonshould make good the title to the land.
In March, 1680, suit was brought against Wells for 300 oounds damages and he was arrested at Westerly by Stephen Richardson, the plaintiff's son, a constable from Stonington.
Early in July following Stephen Richardson was seized at his home by warrant of Governor Sanford of Rhode Island for making this arrest, and carried to Newport. A sharp letter from the Connecticut Council followed, demanding his release and for peace sake agreeing not to meddle on the east side of Pawtucket River till the matter was decided in England.
The Governor replied, giving the reason for the arrest and retaining the prisoner for trial. The Council issued a formal protest against the conduct of Rhode Island and in retaliation caused the arrest of Joseph Clarke, of Westerly, on July 21.
Stephen Richardson was held by the Rhode Island authorities for about three months and in October released. A full account of this affair is given in Connecticut Colonial Records for 1687, pages 286-291.
Amos Richardson was not a member of the church, either in Boston or Stonington, and that is probably the reason for his not being made a freeman until May, 1665. His wife united with the First Church in Boston, December 26, 1647, when her second child, John, was 28 days of age. The celebrated John Cotton was the minister at this time, and all of her children were baptized by him, in her right. At Stonington she was an original member of the church and attended the first communion service September 10, 1674.
Amos Richardson appears to have been a religious man; he educated his eldest son for the ministry at Harvard College. When this son was married be was so pleased that he gave him a farm of a thousand acres at Stonington.
The following Instrument was signed and recorded at Boston by Amos Richardson, October 12, 1673. "This may certify to whom it may concern that Whereas (by the providence of God) my oldest son, John Richardson, hath made his choice of a wife with my approbation and suddenly intends marriage, I therefore thought good to signify unto him and to all whom it may concern that for his future comfortable subsistance. I do hereby under my hand declare that after my decease and my wife, yt all that farm called Quanaduck farm which now I live upon with all the appurtenances of houses and land and commonage, shall belong to my son, John Richardson, aforesaid to be to him and his heirs forever, provided I do possess of it. I do further engage in the meantime that I will not any way dispose of said farm except it be for the settling ofan estate upon my son ye said John Richardson to his acceptance in some other place, as witness my hand."
In both of the published letters from him to Governor Winthrop at Hartford he sends his regards to the Rev. Samuel Stone. For a number of years they had no way of heating the church at Stonington, and during the winter months the Sunday services and other church meetings were often held at the residence of Amos Richardson, situated a little east of the meeting house and probably a large house.*
John Gore of Roxbury, by his will in 1657, appoints John Pierpont, Phillip Eliot, and Amos Richardson executors, and calls them "my beloved brotheren."
Amos Richardson was a man of great force of character and of untiring energy. He had a number of controversies, but there is nothing to show that he was unreasonable in enforcing his rights.
He was a deputy from Stonington to the Connecticut General Court from 1676 to 1681 and was honored with other public offices. It is clear that he was held in great esteem by the Winthrop family. The following letter was from Governor John Winthrop, the younger:
(Hartford), Sept. 25, 1673.
Loving Friend; Mr. Amos Richardson.—Mr. Jonathan Gilbert spake to me of your desires of accommodating you some land, neer the river ofPacatuck adioying to your land there, for the convenience of your son, who marled his daughter, for setting his house there. I though fltt therefore to certify you heerby that I shall willingly, and freely accommodate you therein, according to such right or Interest as I have therein in resignation thereof to yourselfe: and therefore you may goe on in yt building, for your son there as is intended, not doubting of any kindnesse yt I can doe for your convenience therein. The oportunity is hasted, and therefore shall only add my loving remebrance to yourselfe & your wife, with your son & daughters, & am Your assured friend,
•Letter from Walt Winthrop to Fitz-John Winthrop.
Boston, Jan'y. 30, 1687. "Just now he (Mr. Jonathan Smellows) tells me he Is advised to see Mr. Richardsons farme." "It may be the convenience of the housing there may invite him."
Fitz-John Winthrop at New London, (month torn), 7th, 1673, (perhaps Oct. 7), to Governor Winthrop at Hartford.
"The enclosed is a coppy of the record of the grant by the townsmen for the piece of land and priuiliges of Pacatack rluer, w'ch Mr. R. told me you ordered me to send vp. I suppose the designe is to lay it to some land w'ch he intends to giue his son neare the same place. I suppose it Is the piece [of] land w'ch the most desire, being a very fine plane and I believe may deserue a little consideration (if you please to think fit) before you [dispjose of it."
Lucy Downing, at East Hatlie (England), Feb'y. 15th, 1663, to John Winthrop, Jr., at his lodgings in Coleman Street, London.
"If y'r occasions shall draw you to Boston, I pray you commend my love and service to my sister Norton, to Mr. Endlcot & his lady, to honest Mr. Richardson & his wife, and to all such who shall enquire of mee."
Christopher Gardyner at Boston, July 2, 1656, to John Winthrop, Jr., at Pequitt:
Sir:—"I cannott but returne you most humble thanks for yr favours and civilities both in yr usage of us your selfe, and in yr recomendation of us to honest Mr. Richardson, who has indeed expressed much kindness to us and as becomes one who does much honour you."
Lucy Downing, Edenb., (Scotland), Feb'y 23, 1658-9, to Fitz-John Winthrop, at Cardrosse, (Scotland).
Dear Nephew:—"I have reed a let'r from Mr. Richeson, dated the 27 Decemb'r last, and one inclosed to yo'r selfe alsoe, mentioneing that yo'r father and all our friends there were then in good health; alsoe that they had foure moneths of much raigne, which had occasioned great prejudice to their corne, and scarsity of hay, and that there was gene'lly much sicknes and mortallity, but the begining of winter was very cold & frosty; and what further was of particular concerne to my owne busines, and that yo'r eld'st sister is married to one Mr. Newman, a minister whom they judge to be a very good match for her, but I suppose you will have in yo'r owne more perticularly."
Lucy Downing, Edinburgh, (Scotland), March 27, 1658 to John Winthrop, Jr.
Sr:—"I thank you much for your great care of my troublesome small business, and I question not but Mr. Richardsonn hath done his best, but knowing the difficulty of New England, I marvell not at the delay, but it seemes things were not fully perfected betuxt the merchant and him, but I shall waite his further intelligence."
Lucy Downing, East Hatlie, April 20th, 1662, to John Winthrop, Jr., at his lodgings in Column Street, London.
I pray present my servis to my neece your wife, and to all yours, with you, and ellswhear, and my servis to my nephewe, Dean Winthrop and his wife when you write, and to Mr. Amos Richardson. The letter you sent was a kinde letter from him, but he mentions nothing of hopes to mende my bargin."
William Cheseborough, who died in June, 1667, by his will speaks of Rev. James Noyes and Amos Richardson as "my truly and well-beloved friends."
A large part of the collection of manuscripts known as the "Winthrop Papers" has never been printed. They belong to the estate of the late Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., of Boston, who died on June 5, 1905, leaving them by his will to the Massachusetts Historical Society. In 1895 Mr. Winthrop gave the author the following information concerning the letters of Amos Richardson in this collection: "In looking through the unpublished MSS in my possession I find (if I have counted correctly) fifty-one letters of Amos Richardson. A number of them are without date and some are badly torn. Of those bearing dates, the earliest is November 10, 1648, the latest October 14, 1674.
"They chiefly relate to matters of business, either business in which the writer was acting for members of the Winthrop family or business in which he was interested with them. He appears to have been a person in whom Governor John Winthrop, the younger, had great confidence. So far as I have found time to partially decipher them I should say that reference to public affairs are few in comparison and I have not happened to notice a single allusion to the writer's family.
"The letter of September 13, 1659, mentioned by Mr. Savage, is not among them. There is a memorandum 'one taken out' in my father's hand, but it evidently refers to the one he gave you.
"To thoroughly decipher the whole fifty-one letters would be the work of an expert with a magnifying glass for many days, and I could not undertake it nor could I at present suffer anyone else to do so.
"In addition there is one letter from Mary Richardson, dated February 18, 1672, and four from Rev. John Richardson, of Newbury, 1677-1693."
In 1878, the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop presented the author of this sketch with an original letter from this collection. It was written to Governor John Winthrop, the younger, at Hartford, and indorsed on the back with the name of the writer, by Governor Winthrop. The writing is still plain and legible.
Boston, February, day the 2, 1659.
Hounoured Sir, after my service presented to you and Ms Winthrop, by this you may be pleased to understand I have received yours by Edward Messenger, by which we understand of your good health, for which we rejoice.
Sir, here is a ship lately come from England, heavy laden with sad newse, the particulars I doubt not but you will have by better inteligence.* I have only sent you a coppy of a letter by Edward Messenger, which came out of England, and you may inform yourself of some newse.
Sir, my ernest desire is that you would persuade Mr Frits to return home.:): Concerning the farme, the court referred it to a Comitty, but as yet hath done nothing, for our friends at Wennam, I know nothing but they are all in good health, this with my service presented to yourself, MsWinthrop, MB Lucy and M8 Marget and to all the rest of the Gentlewomen, my service also to Mr Stone.
Yours to serve,
Amos Richardson.
Amos Richardson died August 5, 1683, at his residence, "Quiambog Farm," Stonington.
Thomas Minor notes in his Diary: "mr. Richardson sent ffor mee sabath day the ffift about one a clok in that mr. Richardson departed this life." Also on the 17th following: "mistris Richardson made her will."
•The "sad newse" was concerning the overthrow of the English Commonwealth and restoration of the Stuarts.
f'Mr. Frits" means young Fitz John Winthrop, son of Gov. Winthrop, at that time a Cromwell officer in Scotland, and some years after himself Governor of Connecticut.
•j-Manwaring's "Hartford Probate Records" Vol. 1.—63.
His wife was appointed by his will as sole executrix, but she died early in the following month, and their sons, Stephen and Samuel, were appointed executors, f Both wills were probated by the General Court in 1683.
Amos Richardson's residence was located two miles northwest of the railroad station at Stonington, on what is now called Palmer's Hill. The exact location of his house cannot be determined, but it was probably five or six hundred feet south of the residence of Henry M. Palmer and it was the opinion of Judge Wheeler that part of the framework was used in building the Palmer house.
This is the highest elevation for some miles around and from it a beautiful landscape is presented to every point of view. Lantern Hill is fifteen miles north, and Pequot Hill, where the state erected a monument to commemorate the overthrow in 1637 of the Pequot Indians, is about three miles west. To the south is Fisher's Island, and beyond it, twenty miles away, stands the far-famed lighthouse at Montauk Point. To the southeast, overlooking Stonington and Stonington Harbor, may be seen Watch Hill and Point Judith, and still further away, almost lost to view, lies the storm-beaten coast of Block Island.
The Quiambog farm of Amos Richardson is now the site of many beautiful homes, notably those of Mr. Charles Phelps Williams and Judge Collins, which are adorned with marked evidence of wealth and culture. After this farm became the property of his son-in-law, Capt. John Hallam, a new house which is still standing was erected on it about a mile nearer the harbor. This old Hallam house has been remodeled by Judge Gilbert Collins, of Jersey City, and is now his summer home.
Amos and Mary Richardson had eight children: 1. MARY, born at Boston, probably in 1644 or 45, and baptized there November 26, 1647. In June, 1663, she married Jonathan Gatliffe, of
Braintree and Boston, Mariner. Children: Jonathan, born about 1664; Mary, Dec. 14, 1665; Thomas, Feb'y 10, 1670; Joseph, Feb'y 15, 1673, and John, baptized Dec. 15, 1673.
fManwaring's "Hartford Probcte Records" Vol. i — 63.
Her father gave them a house and lot in Boston and 200 acres of land in Stonington, November 13, 1673. This property was not to be sold except to redeem him from slavery if he should be taken captive or to relieve his family in extreme distress.
Jonathan Gatliffe died about February 1, 1675, as his will was dated January 28th and the inventory February 15th of that year. He left two sons, Jonathan and Thomas, of whom Arthur Mason and John Fairweather were the overseers. His widow probably married a Mr. Starr, who, in August, 1678, is called Mr. Richardson's son-in-law.^ He apparently was the captain of a boat running between Boston and New London. Perhaps he was Jehosaphat Starr.
She died probably in the month of August, 1681, as the inventory taken after her decease of the household goods belonging to her sons by Gatliffe was dated September 2nd, 1681. This property was purchased by Timothy Clarke, her brother-in-law.
Rev. JOHN RICHARDSON 2. JOHN, son of Amos and Mary Richardson, born October 28, 1647, and baptized December 26, 1647. He graduated at Harvard College in 1666 as M. A., became a Tutor or Resident Fellow of the College, and was mentioned for Fellow in the intended charter of 1672. At the beginning of the difficulties with President Hoar he was absent and at the meeting held August 26, 1673, the Corporation voted to take no action until Mr. Richardson was present; he was then on a visit to Connecticut. After his return he with others resigned, thus leaving the President without support and the Corporation without a quorum. He may not have agreed in all respects with the opponents of Mr. Hoar; for Judge Sewell. in relation to these difficulties, writes, October 16, 1674: "By Mr. Richardson's means I was called upon to speak. The sum of my speech was that the causes of the lownes of the College were external as well as internal."*
±Mass. Hist. Coll., 5th Series, Vol. viii.
*Sibley's Harvard Graduates.
Prior to this, April 16, 1673, he was called as Minister of the First Church of Newbury, Mass., and settled there December 6, 1674, where he was Minister for twenty-one years. The family name of his wife Mary has not been discovered. They were married about October, 1673. He preached the Artillery Election Sermon at Boston on June 10, 1675, and again in June, 1681. The latter was printed if not the former. His children
were Sarah, born September 9, 1674, John , Mary, July
22, 1677, Elizabeth, April 29, 1689, and Catharine, September 15, 1681.
His will, dated March 29, 1692, left his property to his wife, except a small legacy to each of the above-named children. It refers to his farm and lands "that lye in Stonington or in ye Confines of any Town in Connecticut Colony or else where." The witnesses were Daniel Peirce and Thomas Noyes.
Nothing more is known of his wife or children. He died at Newbury, July 23, 1696; his gravestone at Newburyport has this inscription:
"A resurrection to immortality is here expected for what was mortal of the Reverend Mr. John Richardson, once fellow of Harvard College, afterwards teacher to the Church of Newbury.
Put off April 7, 1696."
3. AMOS, son of Amos and Mary Richardson, baptized Janu
ary 20, 1650, probably died young, as there is no other account of him.
4. STEPHEN, son of Amos and Mary Richardson, was born
June 14, 1652. He married Lydia, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Wells) Gilbert and resided at Stonington, where he was a man of note. See second generation following for full account.
5. CATHARINE, daughter of Amos and Mary Richardson,
born January 6, 1655. She married first Captain David Anderson, of Charlestown, Mass., September 12, 1671. On November 12, 1671, Amos Richardson and Mary, his wife, of Stonington, made a deed of gift to their daughter Catharine Anderson, of land and a dwelling house in Boston, and a tract of land in the Narragansett country. Children: John, born July 14, 1675, died young; David, born May 16, 1677, and married by the Rev. Samuel Willard to Hannah Philips on January 5, before 1700. The year is unknown. Captan Anderson was master of the ship "Blessing," and died on his way home from London in May, 1677. She married for the second time Captain Richard Sprague, May 7, 1679. He was an officer ofdistinction in the Dutch War of 1674. They probably had no children. She died July 23, 1701.
6. SARAH, daughter of Amos and Mary Richardson, born
July 19, 1657. She married Timothy Clarke, of Boston, Mariner. Captain Clarke was a man of some note and was selectman for a number of years after 1700.
Children: Katherine and Sarah, born April 6,
1687; Sarah, October 18, 1691; Margaret, April
4, 1697, and Prudence, December 31, 1698.
On September 11, 1679, her father gave them the
Winthrop lot previously mentioned.
7. SAMUEL, son of Amos and Mary Richardson, born Febru
ary 18, 1659. He married Anna Cheseborough, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah, of Stonington, 1693. He was elected a Selectman in 1706. The History of Stonington gives his name in a list of men who served in Indian wars. He died in 1712-3, his will being dated January 27th and probated March 10 of that year.* Children: Samuel, born February 9, 1686, died 1688; Anna, born November 12, 1688, married William Avery, and had five children; Prudence, born September 10, 1690, married George Plumb, and had two children; Samuel, born April 7, 1693, died 1695; Hannah, born August 30, 1695, married Jonathan Brown, and had six children; Catharine, born January 16, 1697, married William Thompson, and had eight children; Sarah, born September 26, 1699, married Saxton Palmer, and had two children; Mary, baptized June 30, 1700, married Joshua Holmes, and had ten children.
8. PRUDENCE, daughter of Amos and Mary Richardson,
born January 31, 1661-2. She first married March 15, 1683, John Hallam, a sea captain and
•See further notice in Cheseborough Genealogy.
merchant, who resided in Stonington, where he died November 20, 1700. In 1692 the Rev. John Richardson, of Newbury, his brother-inlaw, leased to him in perpetuity a thousand acres of land for the consideration of five shillings and an annual rent of one peppercorn. This was the former home of her father.
"Captain Hallam's possessions were large and his inventory gives evidence of a style of dress and housekeeping more expensive and showy than was common in those days.
"It contains silver-plate, mantle and coat of broadcloth, lined with silk, seventeen horse kind, four negro servants, &c.*"
Shortly before the arrest of Capt. Kidd in the autumn of 1699, two of his men are said to have visited Capt. Hallam; this threw suspicion on him so that he was required to give a bond the exact nature of which is unknown. Hallam died a few months later and this bond was subsequently in the possession of his family for a number of generations.
Many years ago Dr. George D. Stanton, of Stonington, obtained the bond, and later gave it or loaned it to the late Judge Wheeler. It is now unknown what has become of it .
Children: John, born 1684, died young; Prudence, baptized April 18, 1686, died 1701;' Amos, November 20, 1687, died young; John, April 13, 1690; Amos, July 6, 1696.
Amos Hallam married Phebe Greenman and had Prudence, September 22, 1717; John ,November 7, 1719, and Phebe, August 13, 1722.
The last named John married Abigail Noyes, daughter of Capt. Thomas, and had Amos, August 26, 1738, who graduated at Yale in 1756, married Desire Stanton, daughter of Thomas, and was a wealthy merchant at Stonington. Children: John, Abigail, Amos, Thomas, Nicholas, Desire, Edward, Alexander and Giles Russell.
Prudence, widow of John Hallam, married second Elnathan Minor, a man of note at Stonington. They had one son:
•This is quoted from the History of New London.
Richardson Minor was baptized at Stonington, February 25, 1705, graduated at Yale College in 1726, married Elizabeth Munson and had ten children. He was the Congregational minister at Unity (now Trumbull), and also a popular physician in a number of towns, including Stratford. During the Great Awakening of 1740 he became the leader in Fairfield County of a strong party in his denomination who opposed this movement, or at least much of the Calvin theology.
Efforts were made to have Mr. Gold, the minister at Stratford, dismissed and Mr. Minor called in his place. However, in 1744, before this question was settled, his name was dropped at his own request and he joined the Episcopal church with a large number of his followers. He then went to England at the expense of his friends to take orders as minister of the Episcopal church at Stamford. During the voyage he was captured by the French and taken to France. After his release, on his way to London, he was stricken with a fever and died at Salisbury, probably in the latter part of 1744. His widow died at New Haven in 1751. Their daughter, Henrietta, born 1728, married John Miles, of New Haven. Prudence, the second daughter, born 1729, married Philip Benjamin. The other children were younger and their names are unknown, f
In 1833 Richardson Minor (aged 80) was a Massachusetts Revolutionary pensioner, residing in Franklin Co. Perhaps he was a grandson of Rev. Richardson Minor.
fSee Histories of Stratford and Stamford and Dexter's Yale Graduates.
STEPHEN RICHARDSON, son of Amos and Mary, was born in Boston, June 14, and baptized June 20, 1652, at the First Church (now Congregational Unitarian). On December 29, 1670, his name appears in the list of inhabitants at Stonington who had house lots, he then being only a little over eighteen years of age.
He married Lydia, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Wells) Gilbert* before September 25, 1673, probably during that year. This is shown by the letter of that date from Governor Winthrop, before given on page 16.
He was well acquainted with the Indian language and was often employed as an interpreter.
He served in King Phillip's War in 1675-6 at the time of the Great Swamp Eight, and was one of the soldiers who shared in the Voluntown grant made' by the State in 1696. He was probably the Quartermaster for the Connecticut troops. On May 18, 1676, the Colonial Council authorized him to sell arms in his possession in part payment for his services. Minor's Diary, December 15, 1675, says: "Coneticut Annie Set forth from mr. Richardsons," and June, 1676, "Thursday, the 15. wee were to meet all the soldiers at steeven Richardsons house." He was made a freeman in 1679. After his imprisonment by Rhode Island in the summer of 1680, previously referred to, he presented a claim to the General Court for damages. In 1687 he was a representative from Stonington to the General Court.
*Jonathan Gilbert was a prominent man at Hartford and Marshal of the Colony. In 1654 he visited Ninigrate, the famous Chief of the Pequots, and made demands for the Commissioners of the United Colonies, returning to Hartford on Sept. 18, with Ninigrate's answer. Trumbell's History, I, 222.
This shows that he was regarded as a very brave and discreet man.
For Gilbert Family see Appendix A.
Nile's History is authority for the statement that iu July, 1689, "Mr. Stephen Richardson shot dead on the spot one William Trimming, a notorious English decoy in the service of the French privateers." Trimming had secreted himself in a house on Fisher's Island, and Richardson,with sixteen other men, went there to capture him. He was censured by some for his action, as they wanted to take him alive.
Stephen Richardson resided on the Connecticut side of the Pawcatuck River at Westerly. The railroad must cross very near to where his house was located.
It is about five miles east of his father's home. This land Amos Richardson purchased in 1663; it is the property referred to by Governor Winthrop and Fitz John Winthrop in 1673; it extended along the river for nearly a mile.
He must have died about 1694, as his widow signed a deed on July 1, 1695, in which she is described as "Lydia Relict of Mr. Steven Richardson being Executor of my honored husbands will and in full power by Act of New London Court and having Libertie by my husbands will."
The following deed to her son Jonathan was dated August 10, 1696. "Let all men know that I Lydia Richardson Relict or ye late Steven Richardson of Stonington Do for ye Incouregment of my son Jonathan for his present settling with me upon that Land which was given him by his Honorred father after my decease I say I do by these and att this Present Give him ye one half of all the houseing & ye Lands belonging to ye home place and that adjoining on ye South side of it which was given to Nathaniel Deceased, that is to say, his part to Joyn to Mr. Noyes his land on ye South & to ye River on ye East and so Westerly to ye Barns the Barne being his part of out houseing, and ye dwelling house, he is to have ye Great Room & half of ye seller & ye Poarch Chamber and that ye Promise may be sure to him my son Jonathan his heirs and assigns to all purposes & Intents for Ever I sett to my hand & Seal this Tenth Day of August one Thousand six hundred ninety six; also it is provided before signing I give to Jonathan ye Salt meadow that was Nathaniels."
The will of Mary Gilbert (widow of Jonathan), dated May 23, 1700, shows that her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Richardson, had a second husband named Chapman, perhaps Richard Chapman, although Savage suggests William.
At the Probate Court, New London, June 3, 1703, Mrs. Lydia Chapman exhibited a deed of gift of lands left her by the will of her deceased husband, Mr. Stephen Richardson, late of Stonington, to her three daughters, Mary Carder, Rachel Richardson and Jemima Richardson.
Stephen and Lydia (Gilbert) Richardson had at least nine children, and it is supposed that he was the only one of his family to leave descendants in the male line. The following is an account of their children:
1. JONATHAN, son of Stephen and Lydia Richardson, born
probably in 1674. He married Ann Edwards. See third generation for further account.
2. STEPHEN, son of Stephen and Lydia Richardson, was
bapt . at Stonington June 19, 1681, with Mary and Amos. It may be conjectured that he was born about 1676, as the record of baptism probably names the three children in the order of their ages. He married first Joanna Minor,
daughter of Joseph, of Stonington. She joined the church there in 1702. They had a son Stephen, bapt . July 10, 1715, of whom nothing more is known. Second, he married Abigail Pelham at Newport, R. I., March 25, 1728. She joined the church at Stonington in 1733. They had a son David bapt. April 6,1729.
In 1726, Stephen Richardson was chosen to assist in a council at Valuntown in a difference between Pastor and church. He was a Selectman for the town for a number of years and in 1719 was elected a Representative to the General Court. He owned a number of slaves. In 1742 his negro servant, Peter, was baptized. "Crump, negro servant of Stephen Richardson, married Deborah, Indian servant of Jonathan Richardson," 1739.
In January, 1745, he moved to Lebanon, Connecticut, and, with his slave Peter,* united with the church there by letter from Stonington. He died at Lebanon, August 11, 1749. His son David married Rachel Richardson, a daughter of his cousin Amos of Coventry, October 28, 1747. Their children born at Lebanon were Rachel, July 23, 1748; Abigail, Feb. 1, 1751; Stephen, May 1, 1752; Betty, March 21, 1754, (married at Somers, Daniel Benton, of Tolland, Feb. 18, 1779) ; Annis, bapt. Dec. 14, 1755; David, bapt . Jan. 23, 1757, (married Eunice Wood, at Somers, Nov. 30„ 1780.) She died at Enfield, Conn., Oct. 22, 1784, in her 28th year, according to her tombstone. He married second Sarah Hudson, at Somers, June 15, 1785. He served in the Revolutionary war from that town. It is not known when the family moved to Somers and Enfield, which are adjoining towns. There was another son, Daniel, who erected a monument over the graves of his parents at Enfield, "In memory of Mr. David Richardson who died Aug. 5th, 1811, in his 83d year. Also Mrs. Rachel his consort who died Jan. 13th, 1807, in her 79th year. This monument was procured by their son Daniel Richardson May 20th, 1817." There was a Daniel Richardson, who served in the Revolution from Windham County.
3. MARY, daughter of Stephen and Lydia Richardson, bapt .
June 19, 1681. She married Richard Carder in
January, 1700. He was lost at sea in 1707.
Children: Mary, born Sept . 29, 1700; Lydia,
born Aug. 2, 1709; Rachel, born Sept . 4, 1704.
4. AMOS, son of Stephen and Lydia Richardson, bapt . June
19, 1681. In 1683 his grandfather Richardson left him a farm on the east side of the Pawcatuck River, then occupied by Mr. Wells. He probably died young.
*In December, 1754, Peter was convicted of passing counterfeit bills of credit which another slave had forged. He is described as "one Peter, a negro man, late servant to Mr. Richardson, late of Lebanon, now deceased." In January, 1755, the Assembly allowed David Richardson ofLebanon, by paying the cost of prosecution and confinement to take him from prison "and that the said Peter, serve him, said Richardson, his heirs and assigns, to the day of the death of said Peter, and by him and them to be kept within the bounds of said Lebanon."
5. SAMUEL, son of Stephen and Lydia Richardson, was bapt.
March 18, 1683, married Sarah Stanton. Children: Sarah, bapt. Nov. 3, 1734; Mary, bapt . May 16, 1736; Mehitable, bapt. Feb. 26, 1738. He died in 1755 and his widow with Capt Gideon Brainard was authorized by the Assembly to sell his lands.
The daughter Sarah married Gideon Brainard, Jr., June 7,1753.
6. RACHEL, daughter of Stephen and Lydia Richardson,
bapt. May 30,1686. She was unmarried in 1703.
7. LEMUEL, son of Stephen and Lydia Richardson, bapt. Aug.
12, 1688. He married Mehitable, daughter of Capt. John Chapman, of Haddam, Conn., Dec. 15, 1709. They united with the church at Stonington in 1710, and he died at East Haddam, May 24, 1713, probably having resided there but
a short time, as in 1712 when his father-in-law's estate was
settled, he is called "of Stonington."**
He left property at Stonington and East Haddam.* Their
four children were:
i. MEHITABLE, bapt . at Stonington, March 26, 1710.
ii. SAMUEL, bapt. at Stonington, May 27, 1711, was probably the eldest son, as his father left him twenty pounds more than he gave his brother. He married, according to family tradition, Pauline or Polly Whitney. He had two children and there may have been others.
(1) Stanton, born at Haddam, Jan. 10, 1755, was presumably the Stanton Richardson who served in the Revolution from Wallingford.
(2) Lemuel, born in 1761, served in the Revolution in the First N. H. Reg., Capt. Farwell's Company. At
**His widow is presumably the Mehitable Richardson who married John Warner at East Haddam, March 21, 1716, and had eight children recorded there.
*Manwaring's "Hartford Probate Records" Vol. 2.—279.
the time of his enlistment at Charlestown, N. H., in 1779, his age was given as 18, birthplace Haddam, Conn., height 5 feet 6£ inches, and residence Westminster, Vt. He married Jerusha Hedges and had a son, Samuel, born in Northfield, Vt., Sept . 26, 1801, who married Catherine J. Valleaa and left two children: Samuel William and Katherine Phoebe. The former was born at Rochester, N. Y., April 19, 1850, and is an officer in the TJ. S. Marine Hospital Service, stationed at Wilmington, N. C. He married Emma Cornelia Butler and has a son, William Butler Richardson, born Jan. 21, 1880.
iii. LEMUEL, date of birth or bapt. unknown. He is named in his father's will and died March 9, 1722.
iv. STEPHEN, born in 1713, not mentioned in his father's will, probably born after his death.
8. JEMIMA, daughter of Stephen and Lydia Richardson,
bapt. June 19, 1692; married first, Green Hungerford, of East Haddam; second, Matthew Fuller. Her children by the former were Lydia, born Dec. 1712; Sarah, Dec. 29, 1714; Prudence, Jan. 18, 1716; Green, Jan. 4, 1718; Mary, Dec. 26, 1720; Rachel, Oct. 12, 1722; Lydia, Dec. 30, 1724; Stephen, May 1, 1726; Hester, May 22, 1728; Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1730; Lemuel and Nathaniel, May 23, 1733.
9. NATHANIEL, no record of baptism. All that is known
about him is the mention made in the deed from his mother to Jonathan in 1696. He probably died after his father.
JONATHAN RICHARDSON, son of Stephen and Lydia (Gilbert) Richardson, was born before September 10, 1674, the date of Jonathan Gilbert's will, probably at Stonington in that year. His parents most likely had been married only a short time when the Winthrop letter was written, September 25, 1673. He was named for his grandfather, Jonathan Gilbert,J who mentions him in his will: "I give to my daughter Lydia Richelson 20 shillings." "I give my grand child Jonathan Richelson 5 pounds." There is no record of his baptism as there were no church records kept at Stonington prior to June 3, 1674.
The Rev. James Noyes had been holding regular services there for ten years, being paid by the town; but no church organization was formed until that year.*
He married in 1696 Ann Edwards,** daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Tuttle) Edwards, of Hartford, and they resided at the homestead on the Pawcatuck River. He died May 7, 1700, and the inventory of his estate shows that he owned the homestead, except that his mother had a life estate in one-half of it. Also that he had a right in lands at "Quanabooge" (Quiambog). The inventory taken May 23, 1700, states that he left a "widow and two children Jonathan and Amos the eldest two years and an half ould the youngest half a year." "Mrs. An Richardson made oath that she had made a true exhibition of his estate."
J Governor Jonathan Belcher of Massachusetts was another grandchild named for him.
*Wheeler's History of the First Congregational Church, Stonington.
♦•Jonathan Edwards, the distinguished divine, was her nephew.
For Edwards Family see Appendix B.
The inventory shows that he was not a slaveholder, as his uncle, Captain Hallam, was, and as some of the Richardson family were later.
On May 23, sixteen days after his death, his grandmother Gilbert made her will at Hartford, which contained these provisions: "And further the l/7th part of the l/5th part legacy here given unto Lydia Chapman shall be paid to the sons of my late grand son Jonathan Richelson decd when they attain the age of 21. * * * And my mind and will is that the rest of the fifth part Legacy given to my daughter Lydia, not otherwise disposed of to the heirs of the late Jonathan Richelson decd, shall be equally divided amongst the children of my said daughter Lydia, which she had by her husband Richardson decd, minors." It should be noted that the Christian name of Lydia Chapman's first husband, Richardson, is not mentioned. The author of the Gilbert Family* was apparently misled by this will into supposing that Lydia Gilbert married Jonathan Richardson, and others, including the Richardson Memorial, and even Savage's Dictionary, made the same error.
The children of Jonathan and Ann (Edwards) Richardson were «both baptized in the First Church at Hartford. The records of baptism are: "Jonathan son to Jonathan Richardson Nov. 21, 1697," and "Amos June 23, 1700 son to Widowe Richardson."
In 1702 Mrs. Ann Richardson became the wife of William Davenport of Hartford.| By a former wife he had one child only, William. They moved to Stonington before 1708, and from there to Coventry after 1718. Mr. Davenport died in Coventry, 1742, in the seventy-seventh year ofhis age. His widow Ann was born in Hartford in 1678, died in Coventry in May, 1764. Their children were Humphrey, born 1703, married Hannah Fitch, and resided in Coventry; Ann bapt. 1705, married Habakuk Turner of Coventry; Elizabeth bapt. in 1708 at Stonington, married Nathaniel Gove of Coventry; Rachel bapt. at Stonington 1715; Richard born 1716, settled in Coventry, where he had six children by wife Alice; Rachel bapt. in Stonington in 1718.
*N. E. Geneal. Register, vol. IV.
J Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, page 51.
The two children of Jonathan and Ann (Edwards) Richardson were:
1. JONATHAN, bapt. Nov. 21, 1697, was born a few days before, as he was two and a half years of age in May, 1700. He married Anna, daughter of Rev. Salmon and Dorothy (Noyes) Treat, of Preston, Conn., Oct . 25, 1721, and resided at the old homestead of his father and grandfather on the Pawtucket River, in Stonington. Joshua Hempstead notes in his diary under date of Nov. 18, 1721, "I went about Stonington as far as Jonathan Richardson's att Pocatuck."
On Oct. 13, 1728, Anna, wife of Jonathan Richardson, was recommended to the church at North Stonington, and on Nov. 1, 1730, he was allowed to commune with the church at Stonington. On Dec. 6, 1739, his Indian servant, Deborah, was married to Stephen Richardson's negro slave, Crump. In 1734 John Denison, of Stonington, was plaintiff in a suit against Jonathan Richardson, which was decided by the Assembly in favor of the defendant.
In 1753, when the highway from Pawtucket Bridge to Voluntown was laid out, his dwelling house was mentioned as being in the second course after leaving the bridge, and he probably built the dam across the Pawtucket below the bridge in company with someone on the east side ofthe river.* He had a saw and grist mill which in 1756 he gave to his son, Salmon Treat. In 1795 the latter conveyed it (or at least a part interest) to his son George.
Salmon Treat Richardson signed a deed in February, 1810, for what was probably his remaining interest in the mill property or other lands adjoining. Jonathan Richardson died Nov. 22, 1773, aged 76,f and his wife March 17, 1777. She was born Aug. 26, 1699. They had at least nine children, order of birth unknown:
i. ANNA, bapt. at Stonington, Nov. 24, 1728.
*See a sketch of "Stonington and Westerly" by Richard A. Wheeler, in 1886.
fSee "Treat Family Genealogy," page 497.
ii. DOROTHY, bapt. Nov. 24, 1728, married John Stanton, and had ten children: (1) Adam, married Elizabeth Treat. (2) Daniel, married Vashti Dickinson. (3) Amos, married Sarah Draper. (4) George, married Prudence Woodburn. (5) Prudence, married Ashbel Parks. (6) Anna, married a TrumbulL (7) Dorothy, died unmarried. (8) Mary, married James Treat. (9) Rachel, married Samuel Hayne. (10) Rebecca, married Amos Treat.
iii. JOHN, bapt. May 28, 1731, married Thankful Worden, Nov. 2, 1778.
iv. AMOS, bapt. May 28, 17.*i 1, married Sarah Kennedy Jan. 15, 1778, and had a daughter Sarah, born Sept. 3, 1779. His wife probably died, for he married Mary Meach Nov.
25, 1782.
v. SALMON TREAT, bapt. with John and Amos, married Hannah Wilkerson Aug. 8, 17(55, and their son George Richardson, date of birth unknown, married Sarah Holmes March 30, 1795, and had seven children: Sally, born March 17, 1796; Hannah, March 10, 1798; George, Oct. 17, 1800; Anna, April 15, 1803; Stephen, Dec. 7, 1806; Jonathan, Oct. 25, 1808, and Thankful, May 29, 1812.
vi. JAMES, born about 1734, as according to the inscription on his gravestone in North Carolina, "Col. James Richardson died Sept. 29, 1810, aged 76 years." Nothing has been learned about him from Connecticut records except that in 1770 Jonathan and James Richardson, of Stonington, petitioned the Assembly in a suit against Eleazer Fitch, Jr., of Windham, by which it appears that Fitch had obtained a judgment against them for about 300 pounds, and that the farm and dwelling house of Jonathan Richardson had been taken by execution,—"When there was sufficiency ofland without said house, and complaining of unfairness in the appraisement, also that said Fitch has received considerable sums of money ofJames Richardson aforesaid by the hand of Col. John Whitney, which ought to be deducted out of said execution."
It appears, by the records of the Assembly from 176 1 to 1766, that James Richardson, of Stonington, had a controversy with Benjamin Bancroft, of Suffield, relating to their accounts, the charter of the sloop "Gull" and merchandize taken by Richardson to sell at Havana in 1762. Bancroft obtained a judgment for 493 pounds, which Richardson refused to pay and was imprisoned. Later he petitioned the Assembly for a rehearing, which was granted, the first judgment set aside, and a new one entered against him for 132 pounds, which was settled in 1766.
The first information received by the author about Col. Richardson was from a letter by the late Col. John A. Richardson, of Elizabethtown, K C, to Judge Wheeler in 1872. It is now supplemented by further data from his cousins, Mrs. Irving Robinson, of Elizabethtown, and Dr. William M. Richardson, of Boardman, Fla.*
This shows that James Richardson, of Stonington, was shipwrecked off Cape Hatteras, shortly before the Revolution, while on a voyage to the West Indies with a cargo of flour. Subsequently he settled on the Cape Fear River, in Bladen Co., N. C. He had previously been a soldier in the French and Indian war, and was with General Wolfe at the storming of Quebec. He had a sister Prudence at Stonington, who married a Watson or Woodburne; also a brother Salmon, who was a merchant in Boston, where he died.
James Richardson served in the Revolutionary war and became a colonel in the American army. He had two cousins in North Carolina, Samuel and Nathaniel Richardson.** The latter served in the Revolution, was a member of the Provincial Congress, and was shot by the Tories in Robeson County while on his way to pay off the Whig troops. He left no family.
Col. Richardson's father visited him before his death and gave him a Bible which he had brought from England, f
•Their family tradition is that the lather of Col. James Richardson was. James or Stephen, who came from England to Stonington; in all other respects it appears to be substantially correct.
**It is probable that the cousins Samuel and Nathaniel Richardson were sons, or grandsons, of Lemuel of Bast Haddam, Conn.
It cannot be learned what became of this Bible, although Mrs. Robinson remembers having seen it many times when a girl at the home of her uncle Edmund Richardson, and later at her uncle Purdie Richardson's.
Col. Richardson married a widow Purdie, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Neal. Another account is that she was a widow Roots and that they were married in Jamaica where she owned a large property with 900 slaves. She died May 19, 1808, aged 81 years. They had two sons:
(1) Samuel Neal Richardson, born June 11, 1770, married Mary Ann Smith, and died March 1, 1831. He was a Methodist minister, also a member of the North Carolina House of Commons for 1801 and the Senate for 1802 and 1803. Children: Sophia, James Stephen, Elizabeth, Purdie, Helen, John, Amos, Edmund and Mary Ann.
The son James S., was a physician located at Moulton, Ala. in 1829, and the father of the above mentioned Col. John A. Richardson, who died in 1872.
Dr. William M., of Boardman, Fla., and Dr. Clement L., of Lake Charles, La., are sons of Purdie Richardson.
The youngest daughter, Mary Ann, married Rev. Alexander B. Smith who were the parents of Mrs Irving Robinson and Mrs. Charles P. Parker.
(2) Amos Richardson, born in 1772, married Mary Haynes, and died March 22, 1812. He was a member of the House of Commons from 1802 to 1806. Children: Haynes and Samuel.
vii. STEPHEN RICHARDSON, bapt. June 11, 1738, married Sarah Treat at Wethersfield, Aug. 20, 1765, settled in Barkhamsted, Conn., where his wife died May 17, 1831, aged 84, and he July 31, 1831, aged 93. He was a hatter by trade and acquired considerable property. He is said to have been somewhat pompous in his ways, powdered his hair and wore knee breeches and a conspicuous hat.
-j-This old Bible may have belonged to the first Amos Richardson and from him handed down from father to son. A Bible is mentioned in the inventory of the estate of Jonathan Richardson, grandson of
He had three negro slaves, one, a woman, lived to be a hundred years of age. They had six children: (1) Silas, (2) Ralph, and both, according to tradition, settled in North Carolina.
(3) Samuel resided in Barkhamsted, where he died leaving four children : Ralzamon, Rollin, Marilla and Ann.
Rollin had Wellington B. (residence unknown), Marrilla (died unmarried) and Mary, who married D. D. French. There are no descendants ofSamuel Richardson living, unless it is through his grandson Wellington.
(4) Daniel, settled in Twinsburg, Ohio, about 1834. He had five children: William Richardson, married and died without issue; Edwin Richardson, had a son Julian, of Ravenna, Ohio, and a daughter, name unknown; Daniel Richardson, Jr., had a son and a daughter. The names ofthe two daughters of Daniel Richardson, Sr., are unknown.
(5) Lemuel, married Sarah Taylor and died July 29, 1856. Children: Lemuel, Jerusha Wolcott, Emily, Sarah and Clara.
Jerusha W. Richardson is the only daughter living; she married John Dempsey, resided at New Hartford, Conn., and had five children, one ofwhich is Judge Eugene Dempsey, of Danbury.
The only son of Lemuel and Sarah (Taylor) was
He was born in Barkhamsted May 26, 1829, and inherited his father's farm, where he resided until about 1864. He was converted when he was twenty-nine years of age and almost at once commenced fitting himself to preach the Gospel by private study. He began preaching as a Methodist minister in 1859 and is still in active service. After entering the ministry he resided for the first five years on his farm and preached at nearby churches. Since then he has been pastor of the churches at Rockland, East Granby, North Canton and Darien, in his native State, and at Huntington and Port Jefferson, N. Y.
About twenty-two years ago he came to Brooklyn as pastor of the Cook Street Church; next in New York City for three years with the Eleventh Street Church. He then returned to Brooklyn and has since been in charge of the York Street Church, Warren Street Church, Ridley Memorial and North Fifth Street Church, of which he has been pastor for the last six years.
The Rev. Fred Saunders, an associate with him in the ministry, writes of him as follows: "The Rev. Lemuel Richardson is one of the most faithful and loyal preachers of the Gospel in the New York East Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as fearless and uncompromising as Elijah but as gentle as the beloved disciple John; his gentleness and purity of character have made him as lovable as he has been efficient."
He married Martha M. Tiffany, Oct. 22, 1849, and has had three daughters: Mary, married M. W. Griffin and resides in New Haven; Nellie G., married James J. Butler and died without issue Dec. 2, 1896; Clara L., died unmarried Nov. 25, 1900.
(6) Sally, daughter of Stephen and Sarah (Treat) Richardson, married Benjamin Roberts, of Great Barrington, Mass. She probably has no descendants living.
viii. RACHEL RICHARDSON, bapt. March 24, 1745, married John Watson, of South Kingston, R. I., Nov. 24, 1773.
ix. PRUDENCE RICHARDSON, date of birth unknown, was married to Samuel Woodburn, "both of Stonington," by Elder Stephen Babcock, at Westerly, March 4, 1757. Presumably the Prudence Woodburn who married her sister's son John Stanton was their daughter.
2. AMOS, son of Jonathan and Ann (Edwards) Richardson.
See fourth generation following for full account.