Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
Celebrating 32 Years 1992 - 2024
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 1
1.Argyle1 MACKENDRICK was born Abt. 1650 in Killacraw Farms, Kentyre, Kilchesnie Parish, Argyle, Scotland, and died in Killacraw Farms, Kentyre, Kilchesnie Parish, Argyle, Scotland.
Child of Argyle MACKENDRICK is:
2 i. Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, born Abt. 1700 in Kentyre, Argyle, Scotland; died in Kentyre, Argyle, Scotland.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 2
2.Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK (Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born Abt. 1700 in Kentyre, Argyle, Scotland, and died in Kentyre, Argyle, Scotland.
Children of Archibald Henderson Sr McKENDRICK are:
3 i. Archibald Jr McKendrick3 HENDERSON, born Abt. 1740 in Kintyre, Kilchenzie Parish, Argyll, Scotland; died 1806 in Little Pee Dee River in Marlboro SC.
4 ii. Mangus McKENDRICK, born 1730 in Kentyre, Kilchenzie Parish, Argyle, Scotland.
5 iii. Alexander Sr McKENDRICK, born Abt. 1745 in Killacraw Farms, Kentyre, Kilchesnie Parish, Argyle, Scotland; died Bef. 1797 in Robeson/Bladen Co NC.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 3
3.Archibald Jr McKendrick3 HENDERSON (Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born Abt. 1740 in Kintyre, Kilchenzie Parish, Argyll, Scotland, and died 1806 in Little Pee Dee River in Marlboro SC.He married Mary SMITH.She was born Abt. 1749, and died June 15, 1815 in Monroe Alabama.
Notes for Archibald Jr McKendrick HENDERSON:
NotesArchibald McKendrick Henderson and Mary SmithRevised 04 10 1999
Archibald Henderson was born about 1740 probably on Killocraw Farm, Argyll, Kintyre, Scotland, one of three possible brothers born of parents unknown.The family name was recorded variously as McKendrick, McKenne, Hendry, Henny, and Henderson.
In 1796 the British government began the enactment of a series of laws designed to destroy the clans and bring the Highlands under political supervision.By the Disarming Act of 1746, all weapons were taken from the Highlanders, who were forbidden to render military service to their chiefs.At the same time, the Highland Dress Act deprived the clansman of his colorful highland garb.Finally the estates of many of the chiefs were confiscated.As a result of these acts, the special bond between chief and clansman was effectively broken.The feudal, patriarchal Highland clan system came to an end as the chief became a landlord and the clansman a tenant and a subtenant.
During the time when the tribal chieftans exercised control over members of his clan, a system of landholding had developed which served to organize the clan membership into military groups.The chief, whose power was determined by the number of clansmen responding to his call would grant leases or "tacks" to close relatives in return for token rents and military service.These tacksmen would then divide the land and "subset" it to groups of tenants who farmed it in common and who also agreed to render military service.These tacksmen and tenants hired subtenants, or cotters as laborers.The tacksmen then served as organizers or lieutenants of the military group formed by the tenants and subtenants.
Since a tacksman's obligation of his chief had been figured largely in military terms, a rise in rents was inevitable when such military service was outlawed.Whenever a tacksman's lease expired, the laird assured himself of a greater income by substantially increasing the rent upon renewal or by auctioning the lease.The tacksmen, of course, attempted to pass the rent rise on to their tenants, but they were largely unsuccessful in raising their tenants' rent for the reason that tenants were already paying to the limit of their capacity.When the tacksman could not successfully pass on the rent rise he rents, he made plans to emigrate.Loyalty to his laird was no longer a deterrent to emigration.
Pamphlets praising America and enumerating the advantages and attractions of the New World were circulated among the discontented Highlanders.Quite apart from these printed pamphlets, and probably more influential, were the letters sent back to Scotland by the new settlers to America.On the ship BATCHELOR OF LEITH, which sailed from Caithness in 1774, over half those aboard indicated that they had made their decision to migrate because of the encouraging accounts received from countrymen or relatives who had gone before them.
From 1749 to 1775, the emigrant groups were organized and led by tacksmen who were themselves forced to leave the Highlands because of economic and population pressures.
Before 1775, with few exceptions, the tacksman was the key to emigration.Having made his decision to move, the tacksman placed a notice on the church door publicizing his plans and inquiring whether others in the parish desired to join him.In some instances, several tacksmen agreed to leave together and jointly published their intent.Sometimes a meeting was held for all those interested and the process was explained.Those who desired to join the venture signed an agreement and made a payment as token of their good faith.On one occasion 3,000 people joined such a group in a period of two days.The tacksman then traveled to a port city and contracted with a ship owner to transport the group.When transportation cost was determined, each passenger was asked to pay half his money in advance.All money transactions were made through the tacksman, who received a fee for his services.
The tacksmen had legitimate reasons for guiding Highland groups to America.Often tenants and tacksmen were related and these blood ties resulted in genuine concern for the tenants.Also, as was noted above, the tacksman earned a certain sum of money by organizing an emigration group.This money paid part or all of his transportation cost.The tenants, meanwhile, agreed to accompany him, not because of the habit of obedience, but because America was popularily believed to be the land of promise or because the tacksman assured them employment in the New World.
For those who were emigrating, funds were obtained for the sale of stock and agricultural equipment.Tacksmen who traditionally had larger herds, departed for America with larger sums of money.Accompanying the tacksmen and sharing the cost of transportation were those tenants who could secure sufficient funds to finance the voyage.The Highland Society at the turn of the century estimated that the average tenant could sell his stock and equipment in (pounds) 10.Since the cost of transportation was usually about (pounds) 3 10s. per adult and half that sum for children, the average tenant had about enough money to secure passage for his wife, his two children, and himself.Cotters, or subtenants, could not migrate to America since, as day laborers, that had no property that could be converted into money.
The emigration movement reached its peak in the 1770s.It is impossible to determine the size of Highland emigration to America in the years 1730 to 1775 with any accuracy.Existing periodical accounts and government records are woefully incomplete.John Knox, writing in 1784, estimated that 20,0000 Highlanders emigrated between 1763 and 1773.
More About Archibald Jr McKendrick HENDERSON:
Military service: December 01, 1775, Col Abraham Sheppard's 10th North Carolina Regiment
Children of Archibald HENDERSON and Mary SMITH are:
6 i. John McKendrick4 HENDERSON, born Abt. 1767 in Kintyre Kilchesnie Parish Argyle Scotland; died 1830 in RobesonNorth Carolina.
More About John McKendrick HENDERSON:
Christening: 1768, Kintyre Kilchesnie Parish Argyle Scotland
7 ii. Ann Henry MCKENDRICK, born Abt. 1768 in Kintyre Kilchesnie Parish Argyle Scotland; died 1834.
More About Ann Henry MCKENDRICK:
Christening: Abt. 1769, Killean and Kilchenzie Parish Scotland
8 iii. Randall McKendrick HENDERSON, born Abt. 1769 in Killocraw Farm Killean and Kilchenzie Parish Argyll Scotland; died 1807 in Tattnall Co GA.
9 iv. Archibald Henry MCKENDRICK, born Abt. 1772 in Kintyre Kilchesnie Parish Argyle Scotland; died 1807 in RobesonNorth Carolina.
More About Archibald Henry MCKENDRICK:
Christening: Abt. 1773, Argyle Scotland
10 v. Donald McKendrick HENDERSON, born Abt. 1775 in Argyle Scotland; died in RobesonNorth Carolina.
11 vi. David A HENDERSON, born 1775 in North Carolina.
12 vii. Alexander McKendrick HENDERSON, born May 1776 in Killean and Kilchenzie Parish Scotland; died 1853 in Monroe Alabama.He married Catherine EZELL; born 1776; died October 08, 1848 in Monroe Alabama.
More About Alexander McKendrick HENDERSON:
Christening: 1776, Killean and Kilchenzie Parish
13 viii. Robert McKendrick Hendry HENDERSON, born Abt. 1778 in Kintyre Kilchesnie Parish Argyle Scotland; died 1821 in RobesonNorth Carolina.
More About Robert McKendrick Hendry HENDERSON:
Christening: 1778
14 ix. Catherine McKendrick Hendry HENDERSON, born Abt. 1780 in Kintyre Kilchesnie Parish Argyle Scotland; died 1834 in RobesonNorth Carolina.
More About Catherine McKendrick Hendry HENDERSON:
Christening: 1784, Argyle Scotland
15 x. James McKendrick HENDERSON, born Abt. 1784 in RobesonNorth Carolina; died August 03, 1844 in Monroe Alabama.
16 xi. Duncan McKendrick HENDERSON, born Abt. 1789 in RobesonNorth Carolina; died 1821 in Monroe Alabama.
5.Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK (Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born Abt. 1745 in Killacraw Farms, Kentyre, Kilchesnie Parish, Argyle, Scotland, and died Bef. 1797 in Robeson/Bladen Co NC.He marriedAnn MCARTHUR Bef. 1775 in Scotland, daughter of Peter MCARTHUR and Christian MCBRIDE.She was born Abt. 1753 in Scotland, and died in Robeson/Bladen Co NC.
Children of Alexander McKENDRICK and Ann MCARTHUR are:
17 i. Mangus H Manasseh4 HENDERSON, born Abt. 1765 in Killean & Kilchenzie Parish, Argyle, Scotland; died in North Carolina.He married Nancy UNKNOWN.
18 ii. Anne HENDERSON, born 1767 in Killean & Kilchenzie Parish, Argyle, Scotland.
19 iii. Mary HENDERSON, born 1769 in Killean & Kilchenzie Parish, Argyle, Scotland.She married Unknown HENRY.
20 iv. Margaret HENDERSON, born 1773 in Killean & Kilchenzie Parish, Argyle, Scotland.
21 v. Catherine "Kate" HENDERSON, born 1774 in Killean & Kilchenzie Parish, Argyle, Scotland.
22 vi. Daniel J Sr HENDERSON, born 1775 in Bladen now Robeson Co, North Carolina; died July 1825 in Irwin Co GA.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 4
8.Randall McKendrick4 HENDERSON (Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born Abt. 1769 in Killocraw Farm Killean and Kilchenzie Parish Argyll Scotland, and died 1807 in Tattnall Co GA.He married Nancy C SMITH Abt. 1799 in Tattnall County Georgia, daughter of Archibald SMITH and Mary UNKNOWN.She was born 1769 in Cumberland North Carolina, and died 1861 in Clinch County GA.
Notes for Randall McKendrick HENDERSON:
Randall moved to Georgia in the 1790s and settled in Montgomery County and in 1801 was cut into the new county of Tattnall when it was made in 1801 out of Montgomery.He registered for the State's second land lottery held in 1807.In that lottery he drew a lot of land in the 24th district of Wilkinson now Twiggs County.That he died the same year (1807) is borne out by the list of uncollectable taxes for that year made out by the Tax-Collector of Tattnall County (and which is of record there) and as to Randall Henderson the reason given is shown "dead and family left the County."Following his death the widow took her three small children and moved to Telfair County and made her home with her brother, Archibald Smith.By 1820 she was maintaining her home separately as evidenced by the 1820 Census of Telfair showing her the head of the home, with one girl between 16 and 26 years of age and two boys between 10 and 16 years of age.Sometime in the 1820's she with her two sons moved to Appling County where her daughter and husband had already moved.In the 1860 Census she was living with her daughter, Mrs. Fullwood, in Ware Co.She died the next year at the home of her son, Capt John Smith Henderson in Clinch County, age 92 years.
Quoted from Huxford's Pioneers of Wiregrass GA Vol 7
More About Randall McKendrick HENDERSON:
Christening: 1771, Killean and Kilchenzie Parish
More About Nancy C SMITH:
Fact 1: brother Archibald Smith of Telfair Co GA
Fact 2: died at the home of her son Capt John S Henderson
Children of Randall HENDERSON and Nancy SMITH are:
23 i. Mary Pollie5 HENDERSON, born August 10, 1800 in Montgomery County Georgia; died 1860 in Ware Co GA Friendship Methodist Church.She married James FULLWOOD August 10, 1815 in Telfair Co GA; born 1785 in Onslow North Carolina; died January 27, 1876 in Ware Co GA Friendship Methodist Church.
Notes for James FULLWOOD:
He was the first postmaster at Waresboro Ware Co GA, when that post office was established Mar 31, 1827, serving until July 3, 1829.He was again Postmaster, Jan 4, 1830 - Oct 30, 1830.
POWG Vol 3
Ware County Georgia Census 1850, 1870
More About James FULLWOOD:
Political Service: Delegate 1850 Convention in Milledgeville Secession
24 ii. Duncan HENDERSON, born 1802 in Tattnall Co GA; died 1862 in Clinch Co GA.
25 iii. Capt John Smith HENDERSON, born May 09, 1805 in Tattnall County Georgia; died March 25, 1883 in Homerville Pine Forest Cemetery Clinch County Georgia.
11.David A4 HENDERSON (Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born 1775 in North Carolina.He met (1) Sarah SWEAT, daughter of Nathan SWEAT and Sarah UNKNOWN.She was born Abt. 1775.He married (2) Winnifred DYESS 1798, daughter of Henry DYESS and Winifred BOYETT.She was born 1777 in South Carolina.
Child of David HENDERSON and Sarah SWEAT is:
26 i. Berrien5 HENDERSON, born July 25, 1805 in Statesboro Bulloch Co GA; died May 12, 1881 in Pierce Co GA.
Children of David HENDERSON and Winnifred DYESS are:
27 i. William Grissett5 HENDERSON, born 1800.He married Nancy DYESS; born 1803.
28 ii. Samuel Taylor HENDERSON, born 1803 in South Carolina.He married (1) Nancy HILL.He married (2) Elizabeth Howell BLAIR.
29 iii. Edwin M HENDERSON, born 1806.He married Martha McMullen.
30 iv. Thomas James HENDERSON, born 1807 in Liberty County Georgia; died October 28, 1864.
31 v. David A Jr HENDERSON, born 1812.He married Nancy POPWELL February 09, 1843.
22.Daniel J Sr4 HENDERSON (Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born 1775 in Bladen now Robeson Co, North Carolina, and died July 1825 in Irwin Co GA.He married Sarah Sallie MCBRYDE 1797 in Bladen/Robeson Co NC.She was born 1785 in Robeson Co NC, and died Abt. 1857 in Irwin Co GA.
Notes for Daniel J Sr HENDERSON:
Moved to Pulaski Co GA around April 7, 1807 and purchased land located lot no 236, 13th district (now Dodge Co GA).Moved to Irwin Co in 1819.Lived on the old Luke Harper place about 9 miles east of Ocilla.Buried on Wyatt Tucker Place, Irwin Co GA
More About Daniel J Sr HENDERSON:
Burial: July 1825, Family cemetery on Berrien-Irwin Co Line GA
Child of Daniel HENDERSON and Sarah MCBRYDE is:
32 i. John J Sr5 HENDERSON, born October 15, 1798 in Robeson Co NC; died 1870 in Irwin Co GA.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 5
24.Duncan5 HENDERSON (Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born 1802 in Tattnall Co GA, and died 1862 in Clinch Co GA.He married Belinda STAFFORD 1833 in Wayne Co GA, daughter of Josiah STAFFORD and Argent O'STEEN.She was born 1815 in Wayne Co GA, and died Abt. 1868 in Clinch Co Georgia.
Notes for Duncan HENDERSON:
Ware County Georgia Census 1840, 1850
Clinch County Georgia Census 1860
He bought lots 381, 382, 7th District of Clinch County Georgia 6 miles north of Homerville.
Served as Justice of the Peace 451st District Ware County
More About Duncan HENDERSON:
Burial: Providence Church Manor Georgia
Children of Duncan HENDERSON and Belinda STAFFORD are:
33 i. Randall6 HENDERSON, born 1858.He married Lizzie WOODWARD.
More About Randall HENDERSON:
Fact 1: lived in Madison Co FL
34 ii. Andrew Jackson HENDERSON, born 1834.He married Mary Pollie GUEST; born 1842; died May 25, 1877.
Notes for Andrew Jackson HENDERSON:
Enlisted on May 13, 1862 as a Private.
On May 13, 1862 he was mustered into "H" Company GA 26th Infantry - date and method of discharge not given
He was listed as wounded right knee in 1864
Admitted June 7, 1864 Jackson Hospital Richmond Virginia
Furloughed June 19, 1864 for 40 days
On rolls present November 5 1864 - no further record
Promotions - 1st Corpl 05 13 1862[griner.ged.FTW]
35 iii. Daniel Webster HENDERSON, born 1845.He married Christina Thomas July 24, 1873.
36 iv. David HENDERSON, born March 15, 1851 in Clinch Co Georgia; died April 24, 1930 in Pearson GA.
37 v. Edmund S HENDERSON, born 1849; died September 26, 1862 in VA buried in Lynchburg VA Lot 180.
Notes for Edmund S HENDERSON:
Enlisted on October 1, 1861 as a Private.On November 13, 1861 he was mustered into "H" Company GA 26th Infantry[griner.ged.FTW]
Enlisted on October 1, 1861 as a Private.On November 13, 1861 he was mustered into "H" Company GA 26th Infantry
38 vi. Eliza HENDERSON, born 1856.She married Henry JEWELL February 27, 1873.
39 vii. William J HENDERSON, born 1859.
40 viii. John Tyler Jack HENDERSON, born August 10, 1839 in Ware now Clinch Co GA; died January 15, 1923 in near Pearson GA.
41 ix. Sarah Ann HENDERSON, born 1847.She married James ANDERSON.
42 x. Mary HENDERSON, born 1840.She married (1) William G Ryals.She married (2) William J Ryals.
43 xi. Joseph Randall HENDERSON, born 1858 in Wayne County Georgia.He married Lizzie WOODWARD Abt. 1883 in Clinch County Georgia.
More About Joseph Randall HENDERSON:
Fact 1: lived in Madison Co FL
25.Capt John Smith5 HENDERSON (Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born May 09, 1805 in Tattnall County Georgia, and died March 25, 1883 in Homerville Pine Forest Cemetery Clinch County Georgia.He married (1) Mary Pollie FULLWOOD 1822, daughter of Thomas FULLWOOD and Loanna WILKINS.She was born 1805 in Liberty Co GA, and died 1839 in Homerville Pine Forest Cemetery Clinch County Georgia.He married (2) Sarah Sallie KING February 1840, daughter of William KING and Nancy SWEAT.She was born 1824 in Georgia, and died July 1879 in Homerville Pine Forest Cemetery Clinch County Georgia.
Notes for Capt John Smith HENDERSON:
John S Henderson removed to Ware County about 1827, and served as a Justice of Ware Inferior Court, 1935-1937; Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts, 1836-38; Clerk Court of Ordinary, 1837-40; and as Representative, 1844-45.H3 served as Captain of the Militia; 451st (Waresboro district), 1830-35, being commissioned August 26, 1830.In the Indian War he was a private in Capt David J Miller's militia company in 1838, and was a Captain of a company of Ware County militia, Aug 25, 1840 to Oct 18, 1840.He drew a land bounty for this service in 1850 and 1855.
Capt Henderson sold out his holdings near Waresboro in 1857, and moved to Clinch County, and settled on a farm in 1141st district Clinch County, living there a short while, then he bought a farm 1.5 miles sw of Homerville, about 1867.He lived there until his death.Capt Henderson served as a Justice of Clinch Inferior Court, 1858-61.Graves are marked in Homerville City Cemetery.
Six of the Henderson sons and one daughter, viz., Duncan J, James C, Daniel B, Julius S, Simon W. and F B , and Belinda all moved to Texas where they died.
Quoted from Huxford's Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia Vol 3
Ware County Georgia Census 1850
Children of John HENDERSON and Mary FULLWOOD are:
44 i. Randall6 HENDERSON, born 1829 in Ware County Georgia; died 1845 in sixteen years of age.
45 ii. William Lafayette HENDERSON, born July 10, 1833 in Ware Co Georgia; died March 16, 1901 in Ware County Georgia.
46 iii. John W HENDERSON, born 1836 in Ware County.
Children of John HENDERSON and Sarah KING are:
47 i. Duncan J6 HENDERSON, born 1840.He married Mary Elizabeth Ryall.
48 ii. Mark F HENDERSON, born 1842.He married Isabelle BRACK.
49 iii. James C HENDERSON, born 1844.He married Sallie BANKS; died in Galveston TX.
50 iv. Belinda HENDERSON, born 1846.She married Lawrence SMITH.
51 v. Alfred L HENDERSON, born 1848.He married Olive HERRING.
52 vi. Daniel B HENDERSON, born 1850.He married Sallie Cullens.
53 vii. Nancy HENDERSON, born 1853.She married Joel Griffis.
54 viii. Julius S HENDERSON, born 1854.He married Sadie Neyland.
55 ix. Martha HENDERSON, born 1857.She married Charlton Hinds SMITH; born July 08, 1846.
56 x. Simon Wood HENDERSON, born 1859 in Clinch County Georgia; died May 03, 1923.
57 xi. Frances Bartow HENDERSON, born 1862.He married Debbie BISHOP.
26.Berrien5 HENDERSON (David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born July 25, 1805 in Statesboro Bulloch Co GA, and died May 12, 1881 in Pierce Co GA.He married (1) Unknown MERCER.He married (2) Martha Ann DAVIS, daughter of James DAVIS and Harriett CRAWFORD.She was born January 25, 1852 in Pierce Co GA, and died July 05, 1937 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.He married (3) Julia Ann NEWBERN Abt. 1827 in Ware Co Ga, daughter of Thomas NEWBERN and Kizzie COLLINS.She was born July 25, 1815 in GA, and died March 01, 1870 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.He married (4)Nancy JARRELL Abt. 1827 in Pierce Co GA.She was born Abt. 1810.
Notes for Berrien HENDERSON:
Born Berrien Sweat.Name changed by GA Legislature Dec 23,1829.No reason given.Berrien was one of the heirs of Christopher Mercer in 1846 Ware Co GA.Relationship unknown.
As Berrien Sweat he was commissioned ensign in the Ware Co militia, 584th district, and served 1827-1828.As Berrien Henderson he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant in the Ware County militia, 451st district, August 9, 1830, serving until 1835.In the Indian War he served as 2nd Lieutenant in Capt James A Sweat's company of the Ware Co militia, June 9th to Aug 19, 1838; also from Aug 31st to Dec 31st, 1838; also from Aug 19, 1840 to June 1, 1841, also from Oct 6 to Dec 3, 1841.He served as representative from Pierce Co one term, 1861-1863, during the war.His home was in Ware Co in the portion made into Pierce Co in 1858.Huxford POWG Vol 6.
Served under Capt. James A Sweat (Uncle) Mounted Company.Thomas Hilliard Commanding Officer (uncle).
Mentioned in the list of Ware County War Heros in "History of Ware County" by Mrs. J L Walker of Ware Co.He drew land in the Georgia land lottery No 3 and also in the first land lottery of 1827.Those entitled to draw land had to be a citizen of the United States, and of Georgia for three years prior to the passage of the Act, and who had paid tax.
Berrien Henderson married four times according to legend.Wives mentioned are _____Jerrold or Jarrold, Charlotte Byrd, Julia Ann Newbern, Mary Ann Davis.Berrien Henderson was the father of a large family of children _________________breaks off.
The last two lines of this document are completely illegible.We do know the Berrien was a prominent citizen of Pierce County with may descendents living there today.He held many public offices and left each of his fourteen children some 200 acres of land and two slaves each.It also might be noted that today there are many blacks with the last name of Henderson.During the days of slavery blacks most often had only one name.When slavery was abolished, blacks were allowed to chose a last name.In most cases the name they chose was the name of their owner if that person had treated them with respect.However if an owner treated them bady they usually chose the name of a family that had at some time been considerate of them.We know that the first grave in our beloved Henderson Cemetery is that of one of his slaves.We also know that this grave is located near that of his and Julia's own resting place.
These facts speak highly of the character of the Henderson name.
The last paragraph of Berta Byrd Pafford's information refers to Berrien's alleged four marriages.This writer now has in possession copies of unpublished documents that were copied from the files of Judge Folks Huxford.One of these notes is an extract from the 1830 Ware Co Census which shows Nancy Jarrell (#5115) as head of a household with two boys supposedly her sons as follows:
1.Lewis Jarrell Sweat b. 1823 (by James A Sweat) *
Dec 20, 1826Act of Legislation:James A Jarrell name changed to James A SWEAT to make him an heir to his father James A SWEAT, he having been an illegitimate.
2,Lewis Jarrell Henderson b. 1828 (by Berrien Henderson)
Records indicate that James' name was changed on December 20, 1826 at age 2.5 years from Jarrell to Sweat.James went on to marry Mary Blackburn in 1846 and fathered 8 children.
The history of our family tells us that Lewis Jarrell was raised by his stepmother Julia Ann Newbern.This knowledge leaves me with the questions of whether Berrien ever married Nancy and what ever happened to her.The name Jarrell is prominent today in our family.
The second wife listed, Charlotte Byrd is most likely a misinterpretation of the facts.I personally feel that this Charlotte was actually Berrien's 8th child Charlotte born 1843.This Charlotte married Thomas Byrd and was the mother of Cuyler Washington Byrd (born about 1874),Cuyler married Martha Ann Davis, Berrien's last wife and his stepgrandmother.Birth date of Martha Ann unknown but she married Berrien in 1870, the year of Julia Ann's death.Berrien died May 12, 1881 and is buried in the Henderson Cemetery which is located on lands that were evidently owned by Julia Ann's father Thomas Newbern.I suppose Berrien inherited at least some of her father's property at her fathers death (women could not own property at that time.)
Ed Henderson has recently passed on a document that he acquired from Huxford Genealogical Society that is in Judge Huxford's handwriting that indicates that Berrien Henderson married the 5th child of Christopher Mercer.This document meets the requirement of four marriages for Berrien and the reason that he was an heir to Christopher Mercer.This document has not been published.
Cousin Laura Nell Mixon Courson tells me of the visits by Ware County Sheriff Charley Sweat with her grandmother (Lizer Henderson Mixon).Laura recalls that they spoke of their being cousins.We are developing information that shows this relation.
Visit with Daniel J "DJ" Henderson
DJ had info that suggested that Berrien's mothers name was SARAH.
We have been told that Berrien was born illegitimate and his last name was Sweat (his mother's last name) until he had it changed to Henderson by legislature on 23 Dec 1829.I suspect that Berrien had his name changed to Henderson such that he could receive an inheritance from his natural father.
I have found that Nathan Sweat (Father of James A Sweat) marred Sarah Jarrell which would had made her name Sarah Sweat.Nathan Sweat was born in 1760 and died in 1830 about the time that Berrien changed his name.
I know that my ancestor Lewis Jerrold (sic) Henderson (b Apr 15, 1828 Manor GA and buried at Mount PleasantCemetery Waycross GA) was the oldest son of Berrien Henderson and was raised by his stepmother, Julia Ann Newbern Henderson.While the name of his mother has not been passed down to us we have and are seeing the name of Jarrell (Jerry) used right on up until today.
Samuel Lewis Henderson named his second son Lewis Jarrell and in so doing honored his father.
Ed also found information that Judge Huxford had taken from the 1830 Census that shows Nancy Jarrell #5115 Head of a Household aged 20/30 years (born between 1800 and 1810) with two boys, one under 5 and one 5-10 years and one daughter 5 and 2 girls 10-15.
Could it be that there was a family of Jarrell's that had close ties over several generations with that of the Sweats and Hendersons?
Could Sarah (Jarrell) SWEAT be the Sweat that was the mother of Berrien--(or grandmother thus satisfying the legend that Capt James A SWEAT was Berrien's uncle?
This text was copied from paper sent to me by Ruth Hendry, Blackshear GAJune 25, 1998.Born Berrien Sweat.Name changed by GA Legislature Dec 23,1829.No reason given.Berrien was one of the heirs of Christopher Mercer in 1846 Ware Co GA.Relationship unknown.
As Berrien Sweat he was commissioned ensign in the Ware Co militia, 584th district, and served 1827-1828.As Berrien Henderson he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant in the Ware County militia, 451st district, August 9, 1830, serving until 1835.In the Indian War he served as 2nd Lieutenant in Capt James A Sweat's company of the Ware Co militia, June 9th to Aug 19, 1838; also from Aug 31st to Dec 31st, 1838; also from Aug 19, 1840 to June 1, 1841, also from Oct 6 to Dec 3, 1841.He served as representative from Pierce Co one term, 1861-1863, during the war.His home was in Ware Co in the portion made into Pierce Co in 1858.Huxford POWG Vol 6.
Served under Capt. James A Sweat (Uncle) Mounted Company.Thomas Hilliard Commanding Officer (uncle).
Mentioned in the list of Ware County War Heros in "History of Ware County" by Mrs. J L Walker of Ware Co.He drew land in the Georgia land lottery No 3 and also in the first land lottery of 1827.Those entitled to draw land had to be a citizen of the United States, and of Georgia for three years prior to the passage of the Act, and who had paid tax.
Berrien Henderson married four times according to legend.Wives mentioned are _____Jerrold or Jarrold, Charlotte Byrd, Julia Ann Newbern, Mary Ann Davis.Berrien Henderson was the father of a large family of children _________________breaks off.
The last two lines of this document are completely illegible.We do know the Berrien was a prominent citizen of Pierce County with may descendents living there today.He held many public offices and left each of his fourteen children some 200 acres of land and two slaves each.It also might be noted that today there are many blacks with the last name of Henderson.During the days of slavery blacks most often had only one name.When slavery was abolished, blacks were allowed to chose a last name.In most cases the name they chose was the name of their owner if that person had treated them with respect.However if an owner treated them bady they usually chose the name of a family that had at some time been considerate of them.We know that the first grave in our beloved Henderson Cemetery is that of one of his slaves.We also know that this grave is located near that of his and Julia's own resting place.
These facts speak highly of the character of the Henderson name.
The last paragraph of Berta Byrd Pafford's information refers to Berrien's alleged four marriages.This writer now has in possession copies of unpublished documents that were copied from the files of Judge Folks Huxford.One of these notes is an extract from the 1830 Ware Co Census which shows Nancy Jarrell (#5115) as head of a household with two boys supposedly her sons as follows:
1.Lewis Jarrell Sweat b. 1823 (by James A Sweat) *
Dec 20, 1826Act of Legislation:James A Jarrell name changed to James A SWEAT to make him an heir to his father James A SWEAT, he having been an illegitimate.
This text was copied from paper sent to me by Ruth Hendry, Blackshear GAJune 25, 1998.
Ware Co Georgia Census 1850
More About Berrien HENDERSON:
Fact 1: Born Berrien Sweat
More About Julia Ann NEWBERN:
Fact 1: died of typhoid fever
Child of Berrien HENDERSON and Unknown MERCER is:
58 i. Charity6 HENDERSON, born Abt. 1827.
Children of Berrien HENDERSON and Martha DAVIS are:
59 i. Addie6 HENDERSON, born Abt. 1873.
60 ii. Walter HENDERSON, born Abt. 1874.
61 iii. Moultrie HENDERSON, born Abt. 1871.
Children of Berrien HENDERSON and Julia NEWBERN are:
62 i. John Jackson6 HENDERSON, born September 12, 1834 in Walkerville Pierce Co GA; died February 26, 1912 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
63 ii. Michael HENDERSON, born 1839 in Pierce Co GA.
64 iii. Mary HENDERSON, born 1841.She married John A THOMPSON.
65 iv. Tobitha HENDERSON, born September 20, 1842 in Ware Co GA; died April 21, 1878 in Columbia Co FL Siloam Cemetery.She married Issac C CASON.
More About Issac C CASON:
Fact 1: moved 1871 to LakeCity FL
66 v. Charlotte HENDERSON, born 1843 in Pierce Co GA.
67 vi. Lucretia HENDERSON, born 1845.She married David CARTER.
68 vii. James HENDERSON, born 1848.
69 viii. Thomas HENDERSON, born 1854.
70 ix. Elizabeth HENDERSON, born 1833.She married Henry Jordan.
Child of Berrien HENDERSON and Nancy JARRELL is:
71 i. Lewis Jarrell6 HENDERSON, born April 15, 1828 in Ware now Pierce Co GA; died November 25, 1868 in Ware Co GA.
30.Thomas James5 HENDERSON (David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born 1807 in Liberty County Georgia, and died October 28, 1864.He married (1) MaryUNKNOWN.She was born 1810 in Georgia, and died Abt. 1855.He married (2) Delilah UNKNOWN.She was born 1820 in Georgia, and died August 30, 1864.
Children of Thomas HENDERSON and Mary UNKNOWN are:
72 i. Malinda6 HENDERSON, born 1831.
73 ii. Winnie HENDERSON, born 1833.She married William W WILDER November 09, 1855.
74 iii. Minerva HENDERSON, born 1835.
75 iv. Edward M HENDERSON, born 1837.He married (1) Salome WILLIAMS.He married (2) Julia WILLIAMS.
32.John J Sr5 HENDERSON (Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born October 15, 1798 in Robeson Co NC, and died 1870 in Irwin Co GA.He married RhodaWHITLEY September 19, 1820 in Irwin Co GA, daughter of Wiley Sr WHITLEY.She was born June 05, 1804 in Laurens County GA, and died March 25, 1894.
Children of John HENDERSON and Rhoda WHITLEY are:
76 i. George Washington6 HENDERSON, born November 08, 1821 in Irwin Co GA.
77 ii. Mary HENDERSON, born April 07, 1823 in Irwin Co GA.
78 iii. Daniel D HENDERSON, born July 09, 1825 in Irwin Co GA; died September 17, 1862 in Sharpsburg MD.
79 iv. John Jackson Jr HENDERSON, born August 27, 1827 in Irwin Co GA; died 1920 in Sycamore GA.
80 v. Robert H HENDERSON, born February 12, 1831; died January 15, 1915 in Brookfield GA.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 10
308.Deloris10 THOMAS (Francis Marie9 HENDERSON, Gussie8, William Allen7, David6, Duncan5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born 1253.She married Bobby Eugene GLADIN.He was born August 27, 1936.
Child of Deloris THOMAS and Bobby GLADIN is:
389 i. Kayla11 GLADIN.
309.Julie Aileen10 MILLER (Mary Lee9 RICE, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK)22 was born May 28, 1955.She married Dr William CURRY March 14, 1978, son of Bernard CURRY and Nina SHEPPARD.He was born July 27, 1942.
Child of Julie MILLER and William CURRY is:
390 i. Carolann Lee11 CURRY, born February 04, 1984 in Macon, Bibb Co GA.
310.Julian Lovelle10 MILLER (Mary Lee9 RICE, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)22 was born March 22, 1957 in Clinch Co GA.He married Paula SMITH October 03, 1981 in Jacksonville Duval Co FL, daughter of Dupont SMITH and Patricia Reynolds.She was born January 02, 1957 in Portsmith VA.
Child of Julian MILLER and Paula SMITH is:
391 i. Joshua Preston11 MILLER, born September 25, 1984 in Jacksonville Duval Co FL.
317.Kenneth Allen10 RICE (Jerry Henderson9, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK)23 was born February 11, 196323.He married Sheri UNKNOWN.
Child of Kenneth RICE and Sheri UNKNOWN is:
392 i. A J11 Rice24, born May 17, 1996.
318.Karen Marie10 RICE (Jerry Henderson9, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK)25 was born March 31, 1964.She married (1) Benjamin Arthur Jr WARREN26 April 11, 1987, son of Benjamin WARREN and Gloria SMITH.He was born October 30, 1958.She married (2) Benjamin Arthur Warren, Jr April 11, 1987.He was born October 30, 1958.
Child of Karen RICE and Benjamin WARREN is:
393 i. Megan11 WARREN27, born February 15, 1996.
319.Berta Leigh10 RICE (Eurith Delano9, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK)28 was born August 28, 1956 in Homerville Clinch Co Georgia.She married Thomas Sanford IIIROBERTS29 June 18, 1977 in Homerville Clinch Co Georgia30, son of Thomas ROBERTS and Evelyn SMITH.He was born June 14, 1954 in Douglas Coffee County Georgia31.
Children of Berta RICE and Thomas ROBERTS are:
394 i. Julee Brooke11 ROBERTS31, born November 17, 1978 in Douglas, Coffee County Georgia31.
395 ii. Jared Luther ROBERTS31, born December 08, 1983 in Louisville, Jefferson County Kentucky31.
320.Deborah Regina10 RICE (William Richard9, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK)32 was born February 24, 1962 in Clinch Co Georgia.She married (1) Albert Leo Jr DENMARK32August 16, 1980 in Clinch County Georgia.He was born November 10, 1960 in Clinch Co Georgia.She married (2) MikeSTRICKLAND May 23, 1993.
Children of Deborah RICE and Albert DENMARK are:
396 i. Albert Brice11 DENMARK32, born January 05, 1982.
397 ii. Ashton Brett DENMARK32, born July 02, 1986.
398 iii. William Taylor DENMARK33, born December 29, 1989.
321.Donna Lynn10 RICE (William Richard9, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK)34 was born July 22, 1964 in Clinch Co Georgia34.She married Alexander CULBRETH34 July 1992.He was born April 13, 1963.
Child of Donna RICE and Alexander CULBRETH is:
399 i. Alexander Mills11 CULBRETH35, born November 14, 1997.
323.Martha Ann10 MCLAINE (Martha Angeline9 RICE, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)36 was born June 18, 1962 in Clinch Co Georgia.She married Robert Allen Jr BERLIN36 August 25, 1987 in Clinch Co Geofgia36, son of Robert BERLIN and Virginia LONG.He was born December 31, 1961.
Children of Martha MCLAINE and Robert BERLIN are:
400 i. Brittany Ann11 BERLIN37, born March 12, 1993.
401 ii. Brandon Allen BERLIN37, born February 05, 1990.
324.Mary Elizabeth10 MCLAINE (Martha Angeline9 RICE, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)38 was born May 25, 1964 in Clinch Co Georgia.She married Jeffery Judson WEST39 February 18, 1989 in Clinch County Georgia39.He was born January 31, 1962.
Children of Mary MCLAINE and Jeffery WEST are:
402 i. Harrison McLaine11 WEST39, born February 03, 1991.
403 ii. Judson Bradley WEST39, born June 28, 1994.
404 iii. Dawson Elizabeth WEST, born December 22, 1998.
325.Jimmy Powell Jr10 MCLAINE (Martha Angeline9 RICE, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)40 was born June 10, 1966.He married Kalynn Elaine ROOP40 April 18, 1992, daughter of Ronald Hoyt ROOP.She was born October 30, 1970.
Child of Jimmy MCLAINE and Kalynn ROOP is:
405 i. Macie Angeline11 MCLAINE41, born June 24, 1998.
326.David Henry Jr10 KELLEY (Marjorie Susan9 RICE, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)42 was born July 16, 1967 in Clinch Co GA.He married Lisa CONINE, daughter of Grant Conine.She was born January 20, 1978 in Lanier Co GA.
Child of David KELLEY and Lisa CONINE is:
406 i. Hannah Marie11 KELLEY43, born October 02, 1998 in Valdosta Lowndes Co GA.
329.Bradley Curtis10 INGRAM (Margaret Regina9 RICE, Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)44 was born March 03, 1975.He married Victoria UNKNOWN.
Child of Bradley INGRAM and Victoria UNKNOWN is:
407 i. Jacob Bradley11 INGRAM, born June 01, 1999.
330.Richard Raydell Jr10 BAIRD (Mary Lillian9 RIVENBARK, Lillian Lotta8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born August 05, 1964.He married Cammie LEE June 06.She was born May 10, 1965.
Children of Richard BAIRD and Cammie LEE are:
408 i. Candice Marie11 BAIRD, born December 04, 1984.
409 ii. Heather BAIRD, born April 27, 1988.
410 iii. Richard Christian BAIRD, born November 24, 1993.
331.Rebecca Rivenbark10 BAIRD (Mary Lillian9 RIVENBARK, Lillian Lotta8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born December 24, 1966.She married Richard R Jr MODINE February 01, son of Richard MODINE and Patricia TEAGUE.He was born May 18, 1959.
Children of Rebecca BAIRD and Richard MODINE are:
411 i. Lindsey Ann11 MODINE, born July 17, 1986.
412 ii. Tyler Carlton MODINE, born July 07, 1987.
413 iii. Cameron Richard MODINE, born August 21, 1995.
335.Matthew Travis10 HIGGINBOTHAM (Eveline Henderson9 LANGFORD, Mary Eveline8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 22, 1963.He married Shaley WILKERSON June 14, 1986.She was born November 07, 1965.
Child of Matthew HIGGINBOTHAM and Shaley WILKERSON is:
414 i. Matthew Travis Jr11 HIGGINBOTHAM, born March 13, 1989.
340.Debra10 BETSILL (Macie Delores9 MORRIS, Macie8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born May 28, 1958.She married Kenneth SWANSON May 17, 1980.He was born January 06, 1958.
Child of Debra BETSILL and Kenneth SWANSON is:
415 i. Christopher RYAN11 SWANSON, born July 24, 1982.
348.Frances Marion10 BRUCE (Doris Mildred9 HENDERSON, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born September 22, 1937.She married Mack Burns AKRIDGE, son of Warner AKRIDGE and Minnie COOK.He was born August 26, 1932.
Children of Frances BRUCE and Mack AKRIDGE are:
416 i. Julie Ann11 AKRIDGE, born September 17, 1958.
417 ii. Martha Virginia AKRIDGE, born November 06, 1960.
418 iii. Janet Carol AKRIDGE, born April 22, 1965.She married Richard Eric DENHAM June 10, 1989; born November 07.
350.Berta Lee10 HENDERSON (Henry Merelle9, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 13, 1940 in Clinch County Georgia45, and died July 14, 1999 in Lowndes County Georgia.She married Eurith Delano RICE45,46January 28, 1956 in Lanier Co Georgia47, son of James RICE and Edna HENDERSON.He was born January 21, 1937 in Clinch County GAold house DuPont Clinch County Georgia.
More About Berta Lee HENDERSON:
Burial: July 16, 1999, Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville Georgia48
Child is listed above under (225) Eurith Delano RICE.
351.Betty Leanna10 HENDERSON (Henry Merelle9, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born February 20, 1943 in Millwood, Ware Co GA, and died August 06, 1978 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.She married(1) John Payton.She married (2) Stanley GAYLE.She married (3) Aaron MOORE July 1961.
Child of Betty HENDERSON and John Payton is:
419 i. Missy11 Payton, born April 13, 1976.
Children of Betty HENDERSON and Aaron MOORE are:
420 i. Lana Beth11 MOORE, born August 13, 1962 in clinch Co GA.
421 ii. Eugene Danny MOORE, born August 05, 1964.
354.Gary Merelle10 HENDERSON (Henry Merelle9, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born July 23, 1938 in Manor Ware Co GA, and died September 09, 1997 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville, GA.He married (1)Valerie Butch September 03, 1961.She was born August 04, 1944.He married (2) Dorothy HARNAGE December 21, 1961 in St Augustine FL.
Child of Gary HENDERSON and Valerie Butch is:
422 i. Troy Alan11 HENDERSON, born November 06, 1962.
Child of Gary HENDERSON and Dorothy HARNAGE is:
423 i. Amy Dolores11 HENDERSON, born March 30, 1970 in St Augustine FL.She married Michael Leslie STICKLAND May 23, 1998 in St Augustine FL.
357.Michael Daryl10 HENDERSON (Henry Merelle9, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 13, 1949 in Huey-Terry Clinic Homerville, GA.He married (1) Ruth Ann HIGGENBOTHAM.She was born October 14, 1962.He married (2) Fadwa DENNIS October 11, 1970, daughter of Unknown DENNIS and Louise SUTTON.She was born January 21, 1948.He married (3) Renie Gail ADAMS May 16, 1974, daughter of James ADAMS and Laurene WHORTEN.She was born October 09, 1954 in Waycross, Ware Co GA.He married (4) Maggie PATE July 02, 1981 in Valdosta GA.
Children of Michael HENDERSON and Ruth HIGGENBOTHAM are:
424 i. Rebekah Analise11 HENDERSON, born February 04, 1989 in Bibb County GA.
425 ii. Jessica Taylor HENDERSON, born May 06, 1991 in Bibb County GA.
Child of Michael HENDERSON and Fadwa DENNIS is:
426 i. Michael Daryl Jr11 HENDERSON, born July 16, 1971 in Valdosta Lowndes Co GA.
Child of Michael HENDERSON and Renie ADAMS is:
427 i. Brian Patrick11 HENDERSON, born July 02, 1975 in Brunswick Glynn Co GA.
366.Rufus Charles10 CORBITT (Rosalyn Virginia9 HENDERSON, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born December 19, 1949.He married Katha CARNES August 15, 1971.She was born April 17, 1951.
Children of Rufus CORBITT and Katha CARNES are:
428 i. Jeremy Charles11 CORBITT, born July 21, 1972.
429 ii. Justin Will CORBITT, born November 30, 1976.
367.Ashley Ralph10 CORBITT (Rosalyn Virginia9 HENDERSON, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born April 23, 1953.He married Mary Coughlin December 28, 1973.She was born December 28, 1955.
Children of Ashley CORBITT and Mary Coughlin are:
430 i. Jason Ashley11 CORBITT, born January 13, 1975.
431 ii. Molly Marie Corbitt, born July 24, 1977.
368.Hansel George Jr10 STEEDLEY (Hansel George9, Elizabeth8 HENDERSON, Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born July 28, 1951.He married Mary Elaine JACKSON July 09, 1972.She was born March 04, 1954.
Children of Hansel STEEDLEY and Mary JACKSON are:
432 i. Melissa Ann11 STEEDLEY, born March 25, 1974.
433 ii. Alan Eugene STEEDLEY, born August 02, 1977.
369.Timothy Paul10 STEEDLEY (Hansel George9, Elizabeth8 HENDERSON, Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born October 22, 1954.He married Teresa SPRADLEY December 14, 1973.She was born June 16, 1954.
Children of Timothy STEEDLEY and Teresa SPRADLEY are:
434 i. Randolph Timothy11 STEEDLEY, born December 29, 1975.
435 ii. Eric Christopher STEEDLEY, born January 11, 1979; died July 24, 1979.
371.Douglas Andrew10 STEEDLEY (Hansel George9, Elizabeth8 HENDERSON, Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born December 23, 1963.He married Kathy Hudson.
Child of Douglas STEEDLEY and Kathy Hudson is:
436 i. Rebecca Lee11 STEEDLEY, born February 22, 1991.
372.James Bryant10 HENDERSON (Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 14, 1934.He married (1) Joyce Carol BRANCH.He married (2) Alice Louise Parker May 06, 1975.She was born October 12, 1942.
Child of James HENDERSON and Joyce BRANCH is:
437 i. Randy Alan11 HENDERSON, born April 05, 1956.
373.Margaret Christine10 HENDERSON (Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born July 18, 1936.She married Henry M Jr BARRS November 15, 1954.
Children of Margaret HENDERSON and Henry BARRS are:
438 i. Edward Allen11 BARRS, born August 23, 1955.
439 ii. Stanley Lewis BARRS, born September 29, 1956.
440 iii. Richard Dale BARRS, born October 21, 1958; died February 23, 1981.
441 iv. Brenda Gayle BARRS, born April 14, 1960.
442 v. James Frankin BARRS, born July 10, 1963.
443 vi. David Lee BARRS, born June 26, 1965.
444 vii. Pamela Louise BARRS, born October 24, 1966.
374.Stephen Lewis10 HENDERSON (Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born October 07, 1937.He married Phyllis Jean HOLLINGSED October 06, 1956.She was born July 17, 1940.
Children of Stephen HENDERSON and Phyllis HOLLINGSED are:
445 i. Debra Ann11 HENDERSON, born November 26, 1957.
446 ii. Dianne Lee HENDERSON, born January 26, 1962.
447 iii. infant son HENDERSON, born January 31, 1968.
375.Verna Lee10 HENDERSON (Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born July 28, 1940.She married (1) Raymond Yelvington.She married (2) Joe Middleton July 05, 1975.He was born March 27, 1935.
Children of Verna HENDERSON and Raymond Yelvington are:
448 i. David Scott11 Yelvington, born January 02, 1963.
449 ii. Kevin Ray Yelvington, born February 02, 1966.
450 iii. Donna Sue Yelvington, born February 20, 1968.
376.Eva Jean10 HENDERSON (Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born August 06, 1944, and died January 25, 1969 in Evergreen Cemetery Jacksonville FL.She married Jimmy Leon STEVENS.
Children of Eva HENDERSON and Jimmy STEVENS are:
451 i. Jim11 STEVENS, born 1960; died 1960.
452 ii. Jean STEVENS, born 1960; died 1960.
453 iii. Jimmy Leon Jr STEVENS, born February 28, 1963.
454 iv. Lori Denise STEVENS, born November 07, 1964.She married Ronnie ASHING October 25, 1984; born June 21, 1955.
455 v. Jeffrey Lynn STEVENS, born February 21, 1966.He married Carol Webb March 07, 1992; born May 18, 1964.
387.Wallace Steven10 ANDERSON (Mary Lou9 FERRELL, Mary Elizabeth8 HENDERSON, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born June 17, 1954.He married Carol Ann HAMPTON August 05, 1977.She was born July 31, 1957.
Children of Wallace ANDERSON and Carol HAMPTON are:
456 i. Hope Ansley11 ANDERSON, born November 10, 1982.
457 ii. Abitha Christian ANDERSON, born August 1989.
458 iii. Faith Ariel ANDERSON, born November 18, 1991.
388.Sandie10 CORBITT (Joan9 HENDERSON, Fred Lee8, Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born April 17, 1969.She married (1) Bruce BAILEY.She married (2) Travis Hayman April 05, son of J R Hayman.He was born April 19, 1955.She married (3) Dennis TYNER October 03, 1992.
Children of Sandie CORBITT and Travis Hayman are:
459 i. Joseph Corbett11 Hayman, born November 11, 1985.
460 ii. Patrick Lee Hayman, born April 25, 1988.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 11
416.Julie Ann11 AKRIDGE (Frances Marion10 BRUCE, Doris Mildred9 HENDERSON, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born September 17, 1958.She married Donald Royce HUDSON April 13, 1984, son of Raymond HUDSON and Alene DORMINEY.He was born July 03, 1962.
Children of Julie AKRIDGE and Donald HUDSON are:
461 i. Donald Bruce12 HUDSON, born July 11, 1989.
462 ii. Scott Mack HUDSON, born April 26, 1991.
417.Martha Virginia11 AKRIDGE (Frances Marion10 BRUCE, Doris Mildred9 HENDERSON, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born November 06, 1960.She married Scott RIPORTELLA August 06, 1983, son of Raymond RIPORTELLA and Karen QUINEY.
Children of Martha AKRIDGE and Scott RIPORTELLA are:
463 i. Rachael Elizabeth12 RIPORTELLA, born January 08, 1987.
464 ii. Nicholas Scott RIPORTELLA, born September 06, 1990.
420.Lana Beth11 MOORE (Betty Leanna10 HENDERSON, Henry Merelle9, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born August 13, 1962 in clinch Co GA.She married Ricky Scott.
Child of Lana MOORE and Ricky Scott is:
465 i. Jessica12 Scott, born April 19, 1983.
421.Eugene Danny11 MOORE (Betty Leanna10 HENDERSON, Henry Merelle9, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born August 05, 1964.He married Michele Renee December 16, 1985.
Child of Eugene MOORE and Michele Renee is:
466 i. Aaron Mitchell12 Moore, born October 03, 1986.
428.Jeremy Charles11 CORBITT (Rufus Charles10, Rosalyn Virginia9 HENDERSON, Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born July 21, 1972.He married Lori BAILEY July 16, 1991.
Child of Jeremy CORBITT and Lori BAILEY is:
467 i. Kaitlin Erin12 CORBITT, born August 04, 1992.
432.Melissa Ann11 STEEDLEY (Hansel George Jr10, Hansel George9, Elizabeth8 HENDERSON, Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born March 25, 1974.She married Jodie Hilton May 30, 1991.
Child of Melissa STEEDLEY and Jodie Hilton is:
468 i. Jessica Nichole12 Hilton, born August 10, 1992.
437.Randy Alan11 HENDERSON (James Bryant10, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born April 05, 1956.He married (1) Marjorie BROADWAY October 07, 1974.She was born May 10, 1956.He married (2)Christine Becksted June 06, 1984.She was born April 21, 1957.
Children of Randy HENDERSON and Marjorie BROADWAY are:
469 i. Joseph Lawton12 HENDERSON, born November 10, 1976.
470 ii. Alice Joyce HENDERSON, born June 05, 1978.
471 iii. Randy Alan Jr HENDERSON, born October 30, 1979.
438.Edward Allen11 BARRS (Margaret Christine10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born August 23, 1955.He married Catherine Lee RENTFROW August 16, 1976.
Children of Edward BARRS and Catherine RENTFROW are:
472 i. Virginia Lee12 RENTFROW, born January 31, 1976; Stepchild.
473 ii. Edward Allen Jr BARRS, born May 27, 1977.
474 iii. Robert Henry BARRS, born May 09, 1979.
475 iv. Danielle Faye BARRS, born March 30, 1983.
439.Stanley Lewis11 BARRS (Margaret Christine10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born September 29, 1956.He married Vickie Daphayne ANDERSON December 19, 1974.She was born July 02, 1955.
Children of Stanley BARRS and Vickie ANDERSON are:
476 i. Stanley Lewis Jr12 BARRS, born July 02, 1978.
477 ii. Justin Beau BARRS, born March 30, 1982.
441.Brenda Gayle11 BARRS (Margaret Christine10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born April 14, 1960.She married Herman Phineas Williams February 26, 1976.
Children of Brenda BARRS and Herman Williams are:
478 i. Kevin Dale12 Williams, born September 04, 1978.
479 ii. Herman Phineas Jr Williams, born March 09, 1980.
480 iii. Joseph Lawrence Williams, born October 22, 1981.
442.James Frankin11 BARRS (Margaret Christine10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born July 10, 1963.He married Barbara Ann STEWART.She was born March 06, 1964.
Children of James BARRS and Barbara STEWART are:
481 i. Angela Kaye12 BARRS, born January 18, 1981.
482 ii. Teresa Jane BARRS, born February 11, 1984.
483 iii. James Franklin Jr BARRS, born October 26, 1986.
443.David Lee11 BARRS (Margaret Christine10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born June 26, 1965.
Children of David Lee BARRS are:
484 i. David Lee Jr12 BARRS, born November 30, 1986.
485 ii. Rachel Leigh BARRS, born March 19, 1987.
444.Pamela Louise11 BARRS (Margaret Christine10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born October 24, 1966.She married Robert Frederick BAKER.
Children of Pamela BARRS and Robert BAKER are:
486 i. Christine Louise12 BAKER, born September 30, 1986.
487 ii. Robert Frederick Jr BAKER, born July 07, 1988.
445.Debra Ann11 HENDERSON (Stephen Lewis10, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born November 26, 1957.She married Robert GOODLETT January 05, 1984.He was born December 18, 1955.
Child of Debra HENDERSON and Robert GOODLETT is:
488 i. Justin Taylor12 GOODLET, born August 05, 1981.
446.Dianne Lee11 HENDERSON (Stephen Lewis10, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 26, 1962.She married Gerald Wayne Jr Dukes September 07, 1985.He was born September 25, 1962.
Children of Dianne HENDERSON and Gerald Dukes are:
489 i. Stephanie Louise12 Dukes, born May 13, 1990.
490 ii. Gerald Wayne III Dukes, born September 11, 1991.
448.David Scott11 Yelvington (Verna Lee10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born January 02, 1963.He married Pamela Elaine Gaffney May 07, 1988.
Child of David Yelvington and Pamela Gaffney is:
491 i. Afton Nicole12 Yelvington, born June 13, 1989.
449.Kevin Ray11 Yelvington (Verna Lee10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born February 02, 1966.He married Sonya Snoekstra June 20, 1987.
Children of Kevin Yelvington and Sonya Snoekstra are:
492 i. Shayna Ray12 Yelvington, born August 30, 1988.
493 ii. Kayla Sue Yelvington, born August 30, 1988.
494 iii. Megan Beth Yelvington, born November 12, 1990
453.Jimmy Leon Jr11 STEVENS (Eva Jean10 HENDERSON, Ethan Allen9, Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born February 28, 1963.He married Paula Scott June 06, 1981.She was born December 16, 1956.
Children of Jimmy STEVENS and Paula Scott are:
495 i. Derrick Seth12 Stevens, born April 18, 1989.
496 ii. Eric Kane Stevens, born January 11, 1991.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
1.Birth Certificate.
2.Death Certificate Clinch County Georgia.
3.Ben James Family and Descendants, 297.
4.Ben James Family and Descendants, 300.
5.Ben James Family and Descendants.
6.Eurith Rice.
7.Ben James Family and Descendants, 285.
8.Ben James Family and Descendants, 288.
9.Ben James Family and Descendants, 289.
10.Birth Certificate.
11.Eurith Rice.
12.Marriage License Clinch County Georgia.
13.Birth Certificate.
14.Death Certificate Lowndes County Georgia.
15.Ben James Family and Descendants, 293.
16.Ben James Family and Descendants, 294.
17.Ben James Family and Descendants, 295.
18.Ben James Family and Descendants, 298.
19.Ben James Family and Descendants.
20.Ben James Family and Descendants, 299.
21.Ben James Family and Descendants, 300.
22.Ben James Family and Descendants, 285.
23.Ben James Family and Descendants, 289.
24.Jerry Rice.
25.Ben James Family and Descendants, 289.
26.Ben James Family and Descendants, 290.
27.Karen Rice.
28.Birth Certificate.
29.Birth Certificate Coffee County Georgia.
30.Marriage License Clinch County Georgia.
31.Birth Certificate.
32.Ben James Family and Descendants, 294.
33.Debbie Rice.
34.Ben James Family and Descendants, 294.
35.Debbie Rice.
36.Ben James Family and Descendants, 296.
37.Martha Rice.
38.Ben James Family and Descendants, 296.
39.Martha Rice.
40.Ben James Family and Descendants, 296.
41.Martha Rice.
42.Ben James Family and Descendants, 298.
43.David Kelley.
44.Ben James Family and Descendants, 299.
45.Birth Certificate.
46.Eurith Rice.
47.Marriage License Clinch County Georgia.
48.Death Certificate Lowndes County Georgia.
80.Robert H6 HENDERSON (John J Sr5, Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born February 12, 1831, and died January 15, 1915 in Brookfield GA.He married ElizabethLizzie PAULK March 12, 1857 in Coffee County, Georgia.She was born March 26, 1841 in Irwin Co GA.
Child of Robert HENDERSON and Elizabeth PAULK is:
143 i. Narcissa7 HENDERSON, born November 03, 1858 in Irwin Co GA; died March 21, 1928 in Irwin Co GA.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 7
82.William Allen7 HENDERSON (David6, Duncan5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born September 30, 1877, and died September 24, 1948 in Sweetwater Cemetery Pearson GA.He married (1) Fannie CARTER.He married (2) Alma SMITH.He married (3) LizzieMorgan.He married (4) Cynthia Elizabeth MORGAN March 18, 1905, daughter of George MORGAN and Christian VICKERS.She was born January 14, 1889, and died November 26, 1956 in Sweetwater Cemetery Pearson GA.
Child of William HENDERSON and Cynthia MORGAN is:
144 i. Gussie8 HENDERSON, born June 09, 1909.
91.Mary Arkansas Elizabeth7 HENDERSON (John Tyler Jack6, Duncan5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born April 17, 1870 in Pearson GA, and died 1964.She married (1) Alex L Wilson.She married (2) James Madison Brown December 24, 1884 in Westonia GA.He was born 1865 in Atkinson County Georgia, and died 1902 in Leliaton Coffee County Georgia.
Children of Mary HENDERSON and James Brown are:
145 i. Rena Mae8 BROWN, born March 28, 1895; died January 1986 in Jacksonville FL.She married Sam Jones JOWERS December 04, 1916.
146 ii. Henry Eretus BROWN, born December 23, 1889 in Leliaton Coffee County Georgia; died September 19, 1945.
147 iii. James Henry BROWN, born July 08, 1898 in Leliaton Coffee County Georgia; died August 21, 1922 in Died from gas WWI.
148 iv. Etta Goldie BROWN, born September 25, 1900 in Leliaton Coffee County Georgia; died in Douglas Coffee County Georgia.She married Unknown JARDINE.
97.Ida7 HENDERSON (William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born April 1873 in Georgia.She married Jessie WSWEAT.He was born October 1863 in Georgia.
Notes for Jessie W SWEAT:
Ware County Census 1900[griner.ged.FTW]
Ware County Census 1900
Children of Ida HENDERSON and Jessie SWEAT are:
149 i. Mary A8 SWEAT, born February 1891.
150 ii. Warren V SWEAT, born June 1892.
151 iii. William, born January 1897.
152 iv. Unnamed SWEAT, born October 1899.
99.Richard Cicero7 HENDERSON (William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born October 02, 1881, and died November 11, 1943 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.He married Mary Florence JAMES June 14, 1908, daughter of Benjamin JAMES and America MULLIS.She was born December 03, 1883, and died February 13, 1948 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
Children of Richard HENDERSON and Mary JAMES are:
153 i. William Onie8 HENDERSON, born March 27, 1909; died March 27, 1909.
154 ii. Edna Aileen HENDERSON, born March 10, 1910 in Ware Co Georgia; died April 07, 1989 in Clinch County Georgia.
155 iii. Lillian Lotta HENDERSON, born September 23, 1911; died August 07, 1985 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
156 iv. Mary Eveline HENDERSON, born July 30, 1913; died June 21, 1996 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
157 v. Macie HENDERSON, born January 23, 1916.
158 vi. Mildred Tabitha HENDERSON, born May 06, 1918; died March 30, 1989 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.She married Gordon Aubrey DAVIS June 14, 1957; born November 15, 1912; died March 05, 1990 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
159 vii. Howard James HENDERSON, born September 09, 1921; died October 24, 1980 in Wilkinson Co Georgia Pleasant Plains Cemetery.
160 viii. Richard Cicero Jr HENDERSON, born April 05, 1924; died July 26, 1991 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
161 ix. Willie Edna King HENDERSON, born March 04, 1930; died October 1996.
110.Elias Stewart7 HENDERSON (John Jackson6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born August 29, 1867, and died March 10, 1932 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.He married Earnie Viola YOUMANS, daughter of Unknown YOUMANS and Arcadia HERRIN.She was born February 10, 1874 in Pierce Co GA, and died September 19, 1941 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
Children of Elias HENDERSON and Earnie YOUMANS are:
162 i. Tracy Lloyd8 HENDERSON, born January 09, 1891; died March 10, 1980.
163 ii. Harry Stewart HENDERSON, born June 17, 1892; died April 29, 1932 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
164 iii. William Perry HENDERSON, born January 06, 1894; died December 21, 1955 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.He married (1) Levetty CROSBY.He married (2) Helen REYNOLD.
165 iv. Edward Zendel HENDERSON, born July 18, 1906; died June 26, 1907 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
112.James Michael Mike7 HENDERSON (John Jackson6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born February 14, 1877 in Pierce Co GA, and died August 29, 1940 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.He married Ocie Anna WOODS.She was born July 17, 1876 in Pierce Co GA, and died June 07, 1937 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
Children of James HENDERSON and Ocie WOODS are:
166 i. Amy Belle8 HENDERSON, born October 25, 1895; died June 16, 1904 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
167 ii. Thomas Jackson Tom HENDERSON, born February 08, 1903; died March 14, 1931 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.He married Effie Drudge.
122.Ezekiel Stephens7 HENDERSON (Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born August 19, 1857 in Georgia, and died December 28, 1934 in Mount Pleasant Church Ware Co GA.He married (1) Sarah Britton.He married (2) Jane E JAMES January 31, 1883, daughter of William JAMES and Sarah BENNETT.She was born June 16, 1865, and died January 05, 1892.He married (3)Sarah BRITTON January 04, 1893.She was born March 1855 in South Carolina.
Notes for Ezekiel Stephens HENDERSON:
Ware Co Census 1900
Child of Ezekiel HENDERSON and Jane JAMES is:
168 i. Mollie8 HENDERSON.She married Travis Jr THIGPEN; born July 30, 1863 in Coffee County Georgia.
123.Samuel Lewis7 HENDERSON (Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 31, 1861 in Manor Ware Co GA, and died October 20, 1934 in Manor Ware Co GA.He married (1) Delila Baldree LEE.She was born October 30, 1872, and died September 26, 1952 in High Bluff Cemetery Brantley Co GA.He married (2) Martha Caroline JAMES October 21, 1886 in Manor Ware Co GA, daughter of Benjamin JAMES and America MULLIS.She was born January 12, 1872 in Ware Co GA, and died May 26, 1922 in Ware Co GA.
More About Samuel Lewis HENDERSON:
Burial: Mount Olive Cemetery Manor GA
More About Martha Caroline JAMES:
Burial: Mount Olive Cemetery Manor GA
Children of Samuel HENDERSON and Martha JAMES are:
169 i. Henry Benjamin8 HENDERSON, born August 13, 1887 in Ware Co GA; died October 27, 1960 in Ware Co GA.
170 ii. Lewis Jarrell HENDERSON, born August 14, 1889; died May 20, 1958 in Hazlehurst City Cemetery.
171 iii. William Thomas HENDERSON, born March 01, 1891 in Ware Co GA; died December 30, 1953 in High Bluff Cemetery.
172 iv. Josie Eveline HENDERSON, born September 23, 1892; died September 18, 1914.She married Jesse Robert Hinson; born May 17, 1892; died March 28, 1981.
173 v. Walter James HENDERSON, born May 18, 1894; died April 03, 1940 in Waresboro Cemetery Waresboro GA.
174 vi. Samuel Frank HENDERSON, born June 23, 1896; died January 09, 1983 in Greenlawn Cemetery Waycross Ga.
175 vii. Alvin Pierce HENDERSON, born May 30, 1898; died April 27, 1963 in Zenith Baptist Church Manor GA.
176 viii. Florence Ethel HENDERSON, born May 27, 1900.
177 ix. Martha Ann HENDERSON, born August 04, 1902.
178 x. Edward Duncan HENDERSON, born May 21, 1905.
179 xi. Mary Elizabeth HENDERSON, born September 23, 1907; died January 21, 1989 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
180 xii. Robert Jefferson HENDERSON, born July 04, 1909.
181 xiii. Karen HENDERSON, born June 07, 1912.
182 xiv. Fleming Folks HENDERSON, born February 19, 1915.
124.Martin Elias7 HENDERSON (Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born September 15, 1868 in Georgia, and died April 14, 1933.He married Lula Jane CORBITT Abt. 1892, daughter of Daniel CORBITT and Tabitha JAMES.She was born February 04, 1876 in Georgia, and died March 09, 1948.
Notes for Martin Elias HENDERSON:
Born 2.5 months after death of father.
More About Lula Jane CORBITT:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Manor Ware Co GA
Children of Martin HENDERSON and Lula CORBITT are:
183 i. Mary Mageline Maggie8 HENDERSON, born December 11, 1892 in Ware County GA; died May 28, 1980 in Ware County GA.She married Samuel Arthur STRICKLAND; born November 03, 1884; died February 07, 1934.
More About Mary Mageline Maggie HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
More About Samuel Arthur STRICKLAND:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
184 ii. Hattie HENDERSON, born August 1894.
185 iii. Daniel Webster HENDERSON, born October 18, 1895 in Ware County GA; died June 01, 1972 in Ware County GA.He married Ethel Rosetta GRIFFIN; born November 03, 1902 in Pierce Co GA; died January 28, 1984.
More About Daniel Webster HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
More About Ethel Rosetta GRIFFIN:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
186 iv. Mattie Jane HENDERSON, born August 21, 1899 in Ware County GA; died December 20, 1978 in Ware County GA.She married William Carey STEEDLEY; born February 16, 1899; died October 29, 1949.
More About Mattie Jane HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
More About William Carey STEEDLEY:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
187 v. Willie HENDERSON, born January 1899.
188 vi. Ida Marie HENDERSON, born July 20, 1910 in Ware County GA; died September 07, 1996 in Ware County GA.She married William Clinton BOOTH; born October 13, 1906 in Ware County GA; died July 19, 1995 in Ware County GA.
More About Ida Marie HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
More About William Clinton BOOTH:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
189 vii. Fred Lee HENDERSON, born February 02, 1902 in Ware County GA; died May 09, 1993 in Ware County GA.
190 viii. Infant HENDERSON, born 1912; died 1912.
More About Infant HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
191 ix. Silas Grady HENDERSON, born May 15, 1905 in Ware County GA; died January 28, 1926 in Ware County GA.
More About Silas Grady HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
192 x. Elizabeth HENDERSON, born September 09, 1908 in Ware County GA; died October 02, 1995 in Ware County GA.
125.James Monroe7 HENDERSON (Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 28, 1854 in Ware Co GA, and died October 03, 1928 in Manor Ware Co GA.He married Nancy BENNETT March 01, 1877 in Clinch Co GA, daughter of John BENNETT and Sarah WILSON.She was born September 13, 1860 in Clay Co FL, and died December 14, 1957 in Waycross Ware Co GA.
More About James Monroe HENDERSON:
Burial: Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church Manor Ware Co GA
Fact 1: died of a heart attack
More About Nancy BENNETT:
Burial: Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church Manor Ware Co GA
Children of James HENDERSON and Nancy BENNETT are:
193 i. Isabelle Mae8 HENDERSON, born October 24, 1879; died December 17, 1912.She married John Perry STRICKLAND April 23, 1896; born March 06, 1874; died October 23, 1953.
194 ii. Son HENDERSON, born 1878; died 1878 in Billys Island Clinch Co GA.
195 iii. Leon Thomas HENDERSON, born March 01, 1882 in Ware County Georgia; died November 20, 1940 in Ware County Georgia.He married Zelpha Lee BARBER.
196 iv. Minnie Jane HENDERSON, born August 18, 1884 in Ware County Georgia; died July 18, 1981 in Ware County Georgia.
197 v. Annie Eliza HENDERSON, born February 26, 1887 in Manor Ware County Georgia; died September 17, 1980.She married William Harley HICKOX.
127.Martha Ann Victoria7 HENDERSON (Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 15, 1866 in Ware Co GA, and died August 10, 1964.She married Jehu E BYRD December 22, 1887, son of William BYRD and Narcissus STANFIELD.He was born February 07, 1862, and died June 25, 1938.
Children of Martha HENDERSON and Jehu BYRD are:
198 i. Blanche8 BYRD, born June 23, 1889.
199 ii. Vida BYRD, born February 11, 1891; died February 15, 1891.
More About Vida BYRD:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Manor Ware Co GA
200 iii. Berta BYRD, born February 12, 1892.
201 iv. Eva BYRD, born September 04, 1894.
202 v. Basil BYRD, born October 17, 1896; died June 10, 1942.
203 vi. Henderson BYRD, born August 05, 1905.
132.Mary7 HENDERSON (Daniel D6, John J Sr5, Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 16, 1858 in Irwin Co GA, and died October 16, 1927 in Irwin Co GA.She married Joseph SWILLEY January 08, 1880, son of Isham SWILLEY and Mary HARPER.He was born September 05, 1859.
More About Mary HENDERSON:
Burial: Springhill Cemetery Irwin Co GA
Children of Mary HENDERSON and Joseph SWILLEY are:
204 i. Blansett8 SWILLEY.
205 ii. Rebecca Becky SWILLEY, born Abt. 1884.
206 iii. Annie SWILLEY.
207 iv. Isham SWILLEY.
133.Newton7 HENDERSON (Daniel D6, John J Sr5, Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born December 05, 1859 in Irwin Co GA, and died May 08, 1910 in Irwin Co GA.He married Holland COBB.She was born March 25, 1868 in Irwin Co GA, and died April 22, 1946 in Irwin Co GA.
Children of Newton HENDERSON and Holland COBB are:
208 i. Joseph Joe8 HENDERSON.
209 ii. Ida Fannie HENDERSON, born April 13, 1888.
210 iii. John HENDERSON, born Abt. 1889.
211 iv. Mattie HENDERSON.
212 v. Albert HENDERSON.
134.Millie7 HENDERSON (Daniel D6, John J Sr5, Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born Abt. 1861.She married (1) Boy PURVIS.She married (2) Jim BRODGON.
Children of Millie HENDERSON and Jim BRODGON are:
213 i. Unie8 BRODGON.
214 ii. Newton BRODGON.
136.George7 HENDERSON (John Jackson Jr6, John J Sr5, Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)He married Josie SIMMS.
Child of George HENDERSON and Josie SIMMS is:
215 i. Carl8 HENDERSON.
141.Susie7 HENDERSON (John Jackson Jr6, John J Sr5, Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)She married Alex STORY.
Child of Susie HENDERSON and Alex STORY is:
216 i. John8 STORY.
142.Uncie7 HENDERSON (John Jackson Jr6, John J Sr5, Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born Abt. 1860.She married Thomas B YOUNG December 24, 1874 in Irwin Co GA.He was born February 11, 1854 in Irwin Co GA, and died August 12, 1936 in Irwin Co GA.
Children of Uncie HENDERSON and Thomas YOUNG are:
217 i. Joseph H8 YOUNG.
218 ii. Mary YOUNG.
219 iii. Howell YOUNG.
143.Narcissa7 HENDERSON (Robert H6, John J Sr5, Daniel J Sr4, Alexander Sr3 McKENDRICK, Archibald Henderson Sr2, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born November 03, 1858 in Irwin Co GA, and died March 21, 1928 in Irwin Co GA.She married Malcolm L Red MCMILLAN November 21, 1873 in Irwin Co GA.He was born October 24, 1853 in Irwin Co GA.
Child of Narcissa HENDERSON and Malcolm MCMILLAN is:
220 i. Margaret Maggie8 MCMILLAN, born September 23, 1881 in Berrien County GA; died February 21, 1958 in FL.She married Walter TANNER January 13, 1901 in Berrien Co GA; born March 27, 1875 in Coffee Co GA; died October 16, 1965.
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 8
144.Gussie8 HENDERSON (William Allen7, David6, Duncan5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born June 09, 1909.
Child of Gussie HENDERSON is:
221 i. Francis Marie9 HENDERSON.
154.Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON (Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)1 was born March 10, 1910 in Ware Co Georgia, and died April 07, 1989 in Clinch County Georgia.She married James Curtis RICE1 May 31, 1931 in Lanier Co GA, son of John RICE and Phoebe LEE.He was born April 18, 1911 in Fort White Florida, and died November 09, 1998 in Clinch Co GA2.
More About Edna Aileen HENDERSON:
Burial: North Cemetery DuPont, Clinch Co GA
More About James Curtis RICE:
Burial: North Cemetery DuPont, Clinch Co GA
Children of Edna HENDERSON and James RICE are:
222 i. Mary Lee9 RICE, born October 10, 1932 in at home DuPont Georgia.
223 ii. James Curtis Jr RICE, born September 25, 1933 in DuPont Georgia; died May 12, 1999 in Clinch County Georgia North Cemetery.
224 iii. Jerry Henderson RICE, born October 06, 1935 in Ware Co Manor GA.
225 iv. Eurith Delano RICE, born January 21, 1937 in Clinch County GAold house DuPont Clinch County Georgia.
226 v. William Richard RICE, born January 14, 1941 in house at Dupont Georgia.
227 vi. Martha Angeline RICE, born July 20, 1943 in at home DuPont Georgia.
228 vii. Elizabeth Marie RICE3, born February 20, 1945 in Robbins Clinic Homerville GA.She married George R Jr THOMAS3 September 24, 1971 in Jacksonville Duval County FL; born September 05, 1930.
229 viii. Marjorie Susan RICE, born April 29, 1946 in Robbins Clinic Homerville GA.
230 ix. Margaret Regina RICE, born December 04, 1950 in Robbins Clinic Homerville GA.
155.Lillian Lotta8 HENDERSON (Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)4 was born September 23, 1911, and died August 07, 1985 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.She married Gus L RIVENBARK4 May 20, 1936, son of William RIVENBARK and Miriam MILLER.He was born May 08, 1902, and died November 15, 1976 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
Children of Lillian HENDERSON and Gus RIVENBARK are:
231 i. Mary Lillian9 RIVENBARK, born December 28, 1941.
232 ii. Miriam Ruth RIVENBARK, born December 04, 1948.
156.Mary Eveline8 HENDERSON (Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born July 30, 1913, and died June 21, 1996 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.She married L P Jr LANGFORD September 20, 1936, son of L LANKFORD and Mae BISHOP.He was born March 15, 1913, and died October 26, 1996 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
Children of Mary HENDERSON and L LANGFORD are:
233 i. Eveline Henderson9 LANGFORD, born February 10, 1938.
234 ii. LaPaula LANGFORD, born May 08, 1946.
157.Macie8 HENDERSON (Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 23, 1916.She marriedHerbert Manor Jr MORRIS October 09, 1938, son of Herbert MORRIS and Teadie OWENS.He was born September 29, 1916.
Children of Macie HENDERSON and Herbert MORRIS are:
235 i. Macie Delores9 MORRIS, born March 02, 1940.
236 ii. Wanda Katherine MORRIS, born November 24, 1942.She married Elton GARRIS November 21, 1964.
237 iii. Herbert Manor III MORRIS, born April 17, 1945.
238 iv. Ellen Marie MORRIS, born October 17, 1947.
159.Howard James8 HENDERSON (Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born September 09, 1921, and died October 24, 1980 in Wilkinson Co Georgia Pleasant Plains Cemetery.He married Myrtice LucilleWINSLETT July 31, 1950.She was born December 21, 1928.
Children of Howard HENDERSON and Myrtice WINSLETT are:
239 i. Howard James Jr9 HENDERSON, born June 25, 1951; died August 18, 1986.
240 ii. William Winslett HENDERSON, born July 11, 1968.He married Mary Beth MOORE July 13, 1991.
160.Richard Cicero Jr8 HENDERSON (Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born April 05, 1924, and died July 26, 1991 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.He married (1) Rubye Clough CARTER.She was born October 16, 1924.He married (2) Dorothy CLOSSON February 02, 1947.She was born February 02, 1922, and died February 09, 1973 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.He married (3) Elsye RAGAN PENN September 26, 1980.She was born May 25, 1932.
Child of Richard HENDERSON and Dorothy CLOSSON is:
241 i. Richard Gregory9 HENDERSON, born December 04, 1947.He married Patricia MCKEE September 07, 1968.
161.Willie Edna King8 HENDERSON (Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born March 04, 1930, and died October 1996.She married Walter Hunt Jr PEACOCK May 03, 1952.He was born December 03, 1928.
Children of Willie HENDERSON and Walter PEACOCK are:
242 i. Walter Hunt III9 PEACOCK, born April 05, 1954.He married Lisa Ann DAVIS August 02, 1984; born October 26, 1960.
243 ii. Richard Henderson PEACOCK, born December 28, 1958.He married Angelyn Eleanor HIGHTOWER May 04, 1985; born October 14, 1960.
162.Tracy Lloyd8 HENDERSON (Elias Stewart7, John Jackson6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 09, 1891, and died March 10, 1980.He married Effie J BOYD.She was born October 10, 1895, and died January 09, 1950 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
Children of Tracy HENDERSON and Effie BOYD are:
244 i. Boyd9 HENDERSON, born April 03, 1912; died May 23, 1912 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
245 ii. Talmadge Gordan HENDERSON, born August 27, 1924 in Pierce Co GA; died May 01, 1990 in Carbon Co UT buried Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
163.Harry Stewart8 HENDERSON (Elias Stewart7, John Jackson6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born June 17, 1892, and died April 29, 1932 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.He married Bessie Mozell GUTHRIE.
Children of Harry HENDERSON and Bessie GUTHRIE are:
246 i. Lucius Lloyd9 HENDERSON, born September 28, 1913; died November 08, 1920 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
247 ii. Mildred Lucille HENDERSON, born August 25, 1915; died October 06, 1918 in Henderson Cemetery Pierce Co GA.
169.Henry Benjamin8 HENDERSON (Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born August 13, 1887 in Ware Co GA, and died October 27, 1960 in Ware Co GA.He married (1) Berta Lee RATLIFF April 26, 1914, daughter of Guilford RATLIFF and Caroline MARTIN.She was born March 01, 1893, and died June 03, 1933 in Homerville, Clinch Co GA.He married (2) Florence Izora LASTINGER January 27, 1934, daughter of Lacy LASTINGER and Cora ROGERS.She was born July 28, 1908.
More About Henry Benjamin HENDERSON:
Burial: Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville, GA
More About Berta Lee RATLIFF:
Burial: Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville, GA
Children of Henry HENDERSON and Berta RATLIFF are:
248 i. Doris Mildred9 HENDERSON, born January 27, 1915.
249 ii. Henry Merelle HENDERSON, born June 22, 1917 in Argyle, Clinch County GA; died October 26, 1976 in Clinch County GA Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.
250 iii. Berta Caroline HENDERSON, born May 11, 1920; died July 30, 1990 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.
251 iv. Eula Mae HENDERSON, born February 04, 1924.
252 v. Rosalyn Virginia HENDERSON, born December 24, 1926; died May 31, 1995.
253 vi. Margie Elita HENDERSON, born February 11, 1930.
170.Lewis Jarrell8 HENDERSON (Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born August 14, 1889, and died May 20, 1958 in Hazlehurst City Cemetery.He married (1) Eva Gertrude ODUM November 15, 1908, daughter of James ODUM and Nancy HINSON.She was born August 22, 1890, and died July 18, 1954 in Hazlehurst City Cemetery.He married (2) Ethel LEE Abt. 1955, daughter of James LEE and Nancy GRIFFIN.She was born October 15, 1898 in Pierce Co GA, and died October 20, 1982 in High Bluff Cemetery Brantley Co GA.
Children of Lewis HENDERSON and Eva ODUM are:
254 i. Eva Gertrude9 HENDERSON, born October 14, 1909; died October 14, 1909 in Camp Branch Cemetery Ware Co GA.
255 ii. Ethan Allen HENDERSON, born October 28, 1910; died May 19, 1956 in Miami FL.
256 iii. Odum Hinson HENDERSON, born April 14, 1912; died January 13, 1989 in Restlawn Mem Park Jacksonville FL.
257 iv. Emanuel HENDERSON, born November 08, 1913; died November 09, 1913 in Camp Branch Cemetery Ware Co GA.
258 v. Agnes HENDERSON, born December 06, 1914.
259 vi. Joseph HENDERSON, born April 03, 1916.
260 vii. Roy HENDERSON, born June 23, 1917; died November 06, 1917 in Camp Branch Cemetery Ware Co GA.
261 viii. Samuel Leonard HENDERSON, born July 14, 1918.
262 ix. Lewis Melvin HENDERSON, born January 13, 1920.
263 x. Minnie Dell HENDERSON, born May 30, 1921.
264 xi. Edith HENDERSON, born September 07, 1922.
265 xii. Margarette HENDERSON, born October 12, 1923; died February 27, 1924 in High Bluff Cemetery.
266 xiii. Letha Lucille HENDERSON, born February 06, 1925.
267 xiv. James Melton HENDERSON, born February 16, 1926; died September 01, 1926 in High Bluff Cemetery.
268 xv. Julius Author HENDERSON, born January 05, 1928.
269 xvi. Calvin Lyman HENDERSON, born January 14, 1929.
270 xvii. Mariam Myrtice HENDERSON, born February 02, 1931; died October 03, 1934 in High Bluff Cemetery.
171.William Thomas8 HENDERSON (Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born March 01, 1891 in Ware Co GA, and died December 30, 1953 in High Bluff Cemetery.He married Ethel LEE January 20, 1915 in Pierce County GA, daughter of James LEE and Nancy GRIFFIN.She was born October 15, 1898 in Pierce Co GA, and died October 20, 1982 in High Bluff Cemetery Brantley Co GA.
Children of William HENDERSON and Ethel LEE are:
271 i. Bobbi Lee9 HENDERSON, born December 21, 1915.
272 ii. Richard Cicero HENDERSON, born June 15, 1918 in Pierce Co GA.He married Eula MCALESTER.
273 iii. Josie Evelyn HENDERSON, born August 13, 1920.
274 iv. Elmer Cecil HENDERSON, born October 26, 1922.
275 v. Nora Bell HENDERSON, born December 07, 1924.
276 vi. Andrew McCoy HENDERSON, born December 13, 1926; died December 23, 1926.
277 vii. Clyde HENDERSON, born September 05, 1927; died September 06, 1927.
278 viii. Milton HENDERSON, born June 14, 1928; died June 14, 1928.
279 ix. Mildred HENDERSON, born June 14, 1928; died June 14, 1928.
280 x. Florence Ethel HENDERSON, born January 06, 1930.
281 xi. Henry Thomas HENDERSON, born September 18, 1932.
282 xii. Lewis James HENDERSON, born August 28, 1934; died August 09, 1935.
283 xiii. Lottie Jean HENDERSON, born July 22, 1935.
284 xiv. Lola Jane HENDERSON, born October 28, 1937; died October 28, 1937.
285 xv. Phillip Roy HENDERSON, born August 24, 1938.
286 xvi. Willie Delane HENDERSON, born April 02, 1942; died April 02, 1942.
173.Walter James8 HENDERSON (Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born May 18, 1894, and died April 03, 1940 in Waresboro Cemetery Waresboro GA.He married Rosalie Mangum KING December 22, 1918, daughter of Timothy KING and Elizabeth JORDAN.She was born April 13, 1898, and died February 15, 1965 in Waresboro Cemetery Waresboro GA.
Children of Walter HENDERSON and Rosalie KING are:
287 i. Mary Louise9 HENDERSON, born January 12, 1920.
288 ii. William David HENDERSON, born March 20, 1921.
289 iii. Julian Earl HENDERSON, born June 09, 1923.
290 iv. Anna Ruth HENDERSON, born January 19, 1926.
291 v. Margie Lucille HENDERSON, born December 24, 1928.
292 vi. Edward Devane HENDERSON, born April 22, 1931.
293 vii. Edna Jo Petie HENDERSON, born September 09, 1938.
174.Samuel Frank8 HENDERSON (Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born June 23, 1896, and died January 09, 1983 in Greenlawn Cemetery Waycross Ga.He married Vera Elizabeth INMAN February 27, 1926, daughter of Jim INMAN and Molly HINSON.She was born June 01, 1901, and died November 27, 1967 in Greenlawn Cemetery Waycross Ga.
Children of Samuel HENDERSON and Vera INMAN are:
294 i. Frances Vera9 HENDERSON, born March 07, 1927; died December 02, 1979.
295 ii. Clarise Elizabeth HENDERSON, born December 15, 1928.
296 iii. J Frank HENDERSON, born March 01, 1934.
175.Alvin Pierce8 HENDERSON (Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born May 30, 1898, and died April 27, 1963 in Zenith Baptist Church Manor GA.He married Jewell STRICKLAND April 16, 1924.She was born November 18, 1906.
Children of Alvin HENDERSON and Jewell STRICKLAND are:
297 i. Alvin Pierce Jr9 HENDERSON, born August 25, 1925.
298 ii. Helen Mae HENDERSON, born June 10, 1930.
179.Mary Elizabeth8 HENDERSON (Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born September 23, 1907, and died January 21, 1989 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.She married Steve Kinard FERRELL June 05, 1927.He was born October 20, 1899, and died September 28, 1970 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
Children of Mary HENDERSON and Steve FERRELL are:
299 i. Steve Kinard Jr9 FERRELL, born December 28, 1931.He married Emma WOODALL; born August 19, 1928; died April 07, 1961.
More About Emma WOODALL:
Burial: Oakland Cemetery Ware Co GA
300 ii. Mary Lou FERRELL, born March 23, 1938.
301 iii. Barbara Ann FERRELL, born February 08, 1945.
189.Fred Lee8 HENDERSON (Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born February 02, 1902 in Ware County GA, and died May 09, 1993 in Ware County GA.He married Clara Elizabeth THOMAS, daughter of Clayborn THOMAS and Minerva HINDLE.She was born April 17, 1908 in Pickens Co SC, and died September 10, 1986 in Ware County GA.
More About Fred Lee HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
More About Clara Elizabeth THOMAS:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
Children of Fred HENDERSON and Clara THOMAS are:
302 i. Joan9 HENDERSON, born June 10, 1939.
303 ii. David Lee HENDERSON, born January 17, 1937 in Ware County GA; died May 09, 1952 in Ware County GA.
More About David Lee HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
192.Elizabeth8 HENDERSON (Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born September 09, 1908 in Ware County GA, and died October 02, 1995 in Ware County GA.She married (1) Mose STEEDLEY.She married (2) Moses Z STEEDLEY, son of William STEEDLEY and Annie STAMFIELD.He was born November 06, 1903 in Ware County GA, and died January 02, 1961 in Ware County GA.
More About Elizabeth HENDERSON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
Fact 1: Lizer
Children of Elizabeth HENDERSON and Mose STEEDLEY are:
304 i. Hansel George9 STEEDLEY, born July 15, 1930.
305 ii. Infant Daughter STEEDLEY, born September 25, 1935; died September 25, 1935.
More About Infant Daughter STEEDLEY:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Ware Co GA
196.Minnie Jane8 HENDERSON (James Monroe7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born August 18, 1884 in Ware County Georgia, and died July 18, 1981 in Ware County Georgia.She married Joseph Daniel GRIFFIN, son of Peter GRIFFIN and Margaret THRIFT.
Children of Minnie HENDERSON and Joseph GRIFFIN are:
306 i. Leon Dawson LD9 GRIFFIN, born March 21, 1913 in Ware Co GA; died December 22, 1971 in Ware Co GA.He married Mildred Catherine MCQUAIG.
307 ii. Thyra Floree GRIFFIN, born May 31, 1908 in Ware Co GA; died August 15, 1996 in Norfolk VA.She married (1) Roscoe L ADDISON; born July 15, 1898; died December 12, 1984.She married (2) Joseph Arson HOWARD.
More About Thyra Floree GRIFFIN:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Manor Ware Co GA
More About Roscoe L ADDISON:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Manor Ware Co GA
Descendants of Argyle MACKENDRICK
Generation No. 9
221.Francis Marie9 HENDERSON (Gussie8, William Allen7, David6, Duncan5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)She married Elmer THOMAS.
Child of Francis HENDERSON and Elmer THOMAS is:
308 i. Deloris10 THOMAS, born 1253.
222.Mary Lee9 RICE (Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)5 was born October 10, 1932 in at home DuPont Georgia6.She married Lovelle J MILLER6 May 26, 1954 in Clinch Co Georgia6.He was born December 14, 1933, and died 1987 in Fernandina Beach Florida.
Children of Mary RICE and Lovelle MILLER are:
309 i. Julie Aileen10 MILLER, born May 28, 1955.
310 ii. Julian Lovelle MILLER, born March 22, 1957 in Clinch Co GA.
311 iii. James Leslie MILLER7, born May 30, 1966 in Jacksonville Duval Co FL.He married Kimberly HICKMAN November 26, 1994 in Jacksonville Duval Co FL; born January 17, 1970 in Jacksonville Duval Co FL.
312 iv. John Lee MILLER7, born April 03, 1971.
313 v. Jason Lamar MILLER, born February 03, 19757; died April 02, 1977 in Ferandina Beach FL.
223.James Curtis Jr9 RICE (Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)8was born September 25, 1933 in DuPont Georgia, and died May 12, 1999 in Clinch County Georgia North Cemetery.He married Katie Lou HANDLEY8 March 28, 1959, daughter of Zachary HANDLEY and Martha STALVEY.She was born July 09, 1940 in Clinch Co GA.
More About James Curtis Jr RICE:
Burial: North Cemetery DuPont, Clinch Co GA
Children of James RICE and Katie HANDLEY are:
314 i. Glenda Louise10 RICE8, born November 08, 1959 in Clinch Co GA; died December 05, 1959 in Clinch Co GA.
More About Glenda Louise RICE:
Burial: North Cemetery DuPont, Clinch Co GA
315 ii. James Curtis III RICE8, born August 02, 1962 in Clinch Co GA; died August 02, 1962 in Clinch Co GA.
More About James Curtis III RICE:
Burial: North Cemetery DuPont, Clinch Co GA
316 iii. Martha Amy RICE8, born December 16, 1980 in Lowndes Co GA.
224.Jerry Henderson9 RICE (Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)9was born October 06, 1935 in Ware Co Manor GA.He married Sue Ellen SMITH9 April 09, 1962 in Flovilla Georgia, daughter of Ernest SMITH and Lucille VICKERS.She was born February 25, 1940.
Children of Jerry RICE and Sue SMITH are:
317 i. Kenneth Allen10 RICE, born February 11, 1963.
318 ii. Karen Marie RICE, born March 31, 1964.
225.Eurith Delano9 RICE (Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)10,11 was born January 21, 1937 in Clinch County GAold house DuPont Clinch County Georgia.He married (1) Berta LeeHENDERSON January 28, 1956 in Lanier Co Georgia12, daughter of Henry HENDERSON and Doris GRINER.She was born January 13, 1940 in Clinch County Georgia13, and died July 14, 1999 in Lowndes County Georgia.He married (2) NolaLaVell TUCKER May 16, 1998 in Newnan Coweta Co GA.She was born December 07, 1945 in Crisp Co GA.
More About Berta Lee HENDERSON:
Burial: July 16, 1999, Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville Georgia14
More About Nola LaVell TUCKER:
Fact 1: Married name Wright
Marriage Notes for Eurith RICE and Nola TUCKER:
First Presbyterian Church, Newnan, GA
Child of Eurith RICE and Berta HENDERSON is:
319 i. Berta Leigh10 RICE, born August 28, 1956 in Homerville Clinch Co Georgia.
226.William Richard9 RICE (Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)15was born January 14, 1941 in house at Dupont Georgia.He married Carolyn WESTMORELAND15 March 28, 1960, daughter of George WESTMORELAND and Mamie WEST.She was born March 09, 1946.
Children of William RICE and Carolyn WESTMORELAND are:
320 i. Deborah Regina10 RICE, born February 24, 1962 in Clinch Co Georgia.
321 ii. Donna Lynn RICE, born July 22, 1964 in Clinch Co Georgia.
322 iii. William Richard Jr RICE16, born July 14, 1977.
227.Martha Angeline9 RICE (Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)17was born July 20, 1943 in at home DuPont Georgia.She married Jimmy Powell MCLAINE17 August 24, 1961, son of James MCLAINE and Eva GRIFFIS.He was born February 04, 1940.
Children of Martha RICE and Jimmy MCLAINE are:
323 i. Martha Ann10 MCLAINE, born June 18, 1962 in Clinch Co Georgia.
324 ii. Mary Elizabeth MCLAINE, born May 25, 1964 in Clinch Co Georgia.
325 iii. Jimmy Powell Jr MCLAINE, born June 10, 1966.
229.Marjorie Susan9 RICE (Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)18was born April 29, 1946 in Robbins Clinic Homerville GA.She married (1) David Henry KELLEY18 December 10, 1965 in DuPont Clinch County Georgia, son of Lester KELLEY and Alice WILLIS.He was born December 24, 1945, and died May 18, 1969 in Lang Cemetery Atkinson County Georgia.She married (2) William Paul KING18 January 30, 1976, son of Frank KING and Lou PARKER.He was born January 17, 1937.
Child of Marjorie RICE and David KELLEY is:
326 i. David Henry Jr10 KELLEY, born July 16, 1967 in Clinch Co GA.
Child of Marjorie RICE and William KING is:
327 i. Mary Elizabeth10 KING18, born July 03, 1980.
230.Margaret Regina9 RICE (Edna Aileen8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)19was born December 04, 1950 in Robbins Clinic Homerville GA.She married (1) James WALKER.She married (2) WilliamCorbitt INGRAM December 19, 1970 in DuPont Clinch County Georgia.He was born May 19, 1949.
Children of Margaret RICE and William INGRAM are:
328 i. William Corbitt Jr10 INGRAM20, born July 25, 1973.
329 ii. Bradley Curtis INGRAM, born March 03, 1975.
231.Mary Lillian9 RIVENBARK (Lillian Lotta8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)21was born December 28, 1941.She married Richard Raydell BAIRD21 July 20, 1963 in Waycross Ware County Georgia, son of Milton BAIRD and Marjorie COOPER.He was born January 27, 1942.
Children of Mary RIVENBARK and Richard BAIRD are:
330 i. Richard Raydell Jr10 BAIRD, born August 05, 1964.
331 ii. Rebecca Rivenbark BAIRD, born December 24, 1966.
232.Miriam Ruth9 RIVENBARK (Lillian Lotta8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK)21was born December 04, 1948.She married William Dickson MCNEELY March 18, 1972.He was born January 14, 1942.
Children of Miriam RIVENBARK and William MCNEELY are:
332 i. Rosemary Rivenbark10 MCNEELY, born July 27, 1976.
333 ii. Nina Robeson Rivenbark MCNEELY, born July 27, 1978.
233.Eveline Henderson9 LANGFORD (Mary Eveline8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1MACKENDRICK) was born February 10, 1938.She married Raymond Travis Jr HIGGINBOTHAM August 21, 1960.He was born September 26, 1932.
Children of Eveline LANGFORD and Raymond HIGGINBOTHAM are:
334 i. Mary Marjorie10 HIGGINBOTHAM, born October 11, 1961.
335 ii. Matthew Travis HIGGINBOTHAM, born January 22, 1963.
336 iii. Elizabeth Lang HIGGINBOTHAM, born August 06, 1965.She married George Scott Jr SUGDEN April 07, 1990.
234.LaPaula9 LANGFORD (Mary Eveline8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born May 08, 1946.She married Calvin Andrew MIDDLEBROOKS June 01, 1968, son of Paul MIDDLEBROOKS and Mary HUNT.He was born September 25, 1945.
Children of LaPaula LANGFORD and Calvin MIDDLEBROOKS are:
337 i. Mary Anna10 MIDDLEBROOKS, born January 21, 1973.
338 ii. Daniel Andrew MIDDLEBROOKS, born October 15, 1975; died October 18, 1975.
339 iii. Amy Kathryn Katy MIDDLEBROOKS, born June 07, 1977.
235.Macie Delores9 MORRIS (Macie8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born March 02, 1940.She married Fred Lee BETSILL July 02, 1957.He was born September 25, 1937.
Children of Macie MORRIS and Fred BETSILL are:
340 i. Debra10 BETSILL, born May 28, 1958.
341 ii. Fred Lee Jr BETSILL, born September 04, 1959; died June 14, 1983 in Fairview Memorial Cemetery Stockbridge GA.
342 iii. Jeffrey Scott BETSILL, born May 09, 1962.
237.Herbert Manor III9 MORRIS (Macie8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born April 17, 1945.He married (1) Stachia HUEY August 09, 1966.He married (2) Victoria OTT November 25, 1979.
Children of Herbert MORRIS and Stachia HUEY are:
343 i. Michael10 MORRIS, born March 28, 1968.
344 ii. Robert Lane MORRIS, born February 25, 1972.
Child of Herbert MORRIS and Victoria OTT is:
345 i. David10 MORRIS, born December 07, 1981.
238.Ellen Marie9 MORRIS (Macie8 HENDERSON, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born October 17, 1947.She married James C TUTEN December 05, 1970.He was born March 18, 1944.
Child of Ellen MORRIS and James TUTEN is:
346 i. James C Jr10 TUTEN, born May 07, 1972.
239.Howard James Jr9 HENDERSON (Howard James8, Richard Cicero7, William Lafayette6, John Smith5, Randall McKendrick4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born June 25, 1951, and died August 18, 1986.He married (1) Sandra LANIER.He married (2) Deena DYKES.She was born July 01, 1960.
Child of Howard HENDERSON and Deena DYKES is:
347 i. Hardy James10 HENDERSON, born April 11, 1975.
248.Doris Mildred9 HENDERSON (Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born January 27, 1915.She married (1) Francis Marion Jr BRUCE, son of Francis BRUCE and Pearl MITCHELL.He was born April 12, 1912, and died January 13, 1968 in Greenlawn Cemetery Waycross GA.She married (2) Irwin Lester BOOTH.He was born September 03, 1892, and died March 05, 1972 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.She married (3) William Carl King Sr.He was born September 14, 1910, and died March 13, 1987 in High Bluff Cemetery Brantley Co GA.
Children of Doris HENDERSON and Francis BRUCE are:
348 i. Frances Marion10 BRUCE, born September 22, 1937.
349 ii. Henry Wayne BRUCE, born July 24, 1939.He married Joan HENDERSON February 06, 1970; born June 10, 1939.
More About Joan HENDERSON:
Fact 1: Previous marriage _______Corbitt
Fact 2: died
249.Henry Merelle9 HENDERSON (Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born June 22, 1917 in Argyle, Clinch County GA, and died October 26, 1976 in Clinch County GA Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.He married Doris Lee GRINER August 08, 1937 in Clinch County GA, daughter of William GRINER and Jessie MOBLEY.She was born April 19, 1919 in Duval Co FL, and died February 16, 1992 in Clinch County GA Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.
Children of Henry HENDERSON and Doris GRINER are:
350 i. Berta Lee10 HENDERSON, born January 13, 1940 in Clinch County Georgia; died July 14, 1999 in Lowndes County Georgia.
351 ii. Betty Leanna HENDERSON, born February 20, 1943 in Millwood, Ware Co GA; died August 06, 1978 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.
352 iii. Danny Leon HENDERSON, born May 19, 1954 in Huey-Terry Clinic Homerville, GA; died May 29, 1954 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.
353 iv. Doris Lynn HENDERSON, born January 25, 1958 in Clinch Co GA.She married Dr. James Camp BAGGETT February 22, 1981 in Las Vegas, NV; born November 25, 1942 in Douglasville, GA.
354 v. Gary Merelle HENDERSON, born July 23, 1938 in Manor Ware Co GA; died September 09, 1997 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville, GA.
355 vi. Henry Benjamin HENDERSON, born February 13, 1962 in Clinch Co GA.He married Mary Jo Morgan.
356 vii. Mary Beth HENDERSON, born May 19, 1954; died June 02, 1954 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.
357 viii. Michael Daryl HENDERSON, born January 13, 1949 in Huey-Terry Clinic Homerville, GA.
250.Berta Caroline9 HENDERSON (Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born May 11, 1920, and died July 30, 1990 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.She married (1) Raymond Morgan July 25, 1936.He was born November 20, 1913, and died April 04, 1976 in Pine Forest Cemetery Homerville GA.She married (2) Hugh Corbett, Rev. July 03, 1977.He was born October 09, 1930.
Children of Berta HENDERSON and Raymond Morgan are:
358 i. Patricia Ann10 Morgan, born April 10, 1937.
359 ii. Raymond Larry Morgan, born June 15, 1942.
360 iii. Henry Ronald Morgan, born July 11, 1946.
361 iv. William Gregory Morgan, born May 04, 1955.
251.Eula Mae9 HENDERSON (Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born February 04, 1924.She married (1) Gordon R LANG April 17, 1945.He was born February 04, 1924, and died October 24, 1954 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.She married (2) Curtis E ADAMS August 28, 1957.He was born March 19, 1922.
Children of Eula HENDERSON and Gordon LANG are:
362 i. June Katherine10 LANG, born June 30, 1946; died April 21, 1967 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
363 ii. Kelly Benjamin LANG, born August 23, 1948.
252.Rosalyn Virginia9 HENDERSON (Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born December 24, 1926, and died May 31, 1995.She married (1) William High Farrior.He was born April 01, 1928, and died February 11, 1997 in Greenlawn Cemetery Waycross GA.She married (2) Rufus CORBITT August 09, 1946.He was born November 19, 1918, and died January 21, 1954 in Oakland Cemetery Waycross GA.
Child of Rosalyn HENDERSON and William Farrior is:
364 i. David Moody10 Farrior, born December 29, 1958.
Children of Rosalyn HENDERSON and Rufus CORBITT are:
365 i. Daughter10 CORBITT, born July 14, 1947; died July 15, 1947.
More About Daughter CORBITT:
Burial: Booth Cemetery Manor Ware Co GA
366 ii. Rufus Charles CORBITT, born December 19, 1949.
367 iii. Ashley Ralph CORBITT, born April 23, 1953.
253.Margie Elita9 HENDERSON (Henry Benjamin8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born February 11, 1930.She married Hansel George STEEDLEY August 26, 1950, son of Mose STEEDLEY and Elizabeth HENDERSON.He was born July 15, 1930.
Children of Margie HENDERSON and Hansel STEEDLEY are:
368 i. Hansel George Jr10 STEEDLEY, born July 28, 1951.
369 ii. Timothy Paul STEEDLEY, born October 22, 1954.
370 iii. Jeffrey Mark STEEDLEY, born October 02, 1958.
371 iv. Douglas Andrew STEEDLEY, born December 23, 1963.
255.Ethan Allen9 HENDERSON (Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born October 28, 1910, and died May 19, 1956 in Miami FL.He married Rachel BLEDSOE.She was born November 30, 1910, and died October 03, 1988 in Miami FL.
Children of Ethan HENDERSON and Rachel BLEDSOE are:
372 i. James Bryant10 HENDERSON, born January 14, 1934.
373 ii. Margaret Christine HENDERSON, born July 18, 1936.
374 iii. Stephen Lewis HENDERSON, born October 07, 1937.
375 iv. Verna Lee HENDERSON, born July 28, 1940.
376 v. Eva Jean HENDERSON, born August 06, 1944; died January 25, 1969 in Evergreen Cemetery Jacksonville FL.
377 vi. Harold Martin HENDERSON, born December 05, 1949.
256.Odum Hinson9 HENDERSON (Lewis Jarrell8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born April 14, 1912, and died January 13, 1989 in Restlawn Mem Park Jacksonville FL.He married Susie Mae PEACOCK May 20, 1933.She was born November 08, 1916.
Children of Odum HENDERSON and Susie PEACOCK are:
378 i. Geneva10 HENDERSON, born July 29, 1934.
379 ii. Mildred HENDERSON, born October 20, 1936.
380 iii. Ella Inez HENDERSON, born October 24, 1939.
381 iv. Nancy Louise HENDERSON, born September 24, 1943.
294.Frances Vera9 HENDERSON (Samuel Frank8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born March 07, 1927, and died December 02, 1979.She married Malcolm Perry SCOTT August 26, 1945.He was born April 17, 1925.
Child of Frances HENDERSON and Malcolm SCOTT is:
382 i. Jonathon Malcolm10 SCOTT, born April 27, 1972.
297.Alvin Pierce Jr9 HENDERSON (Alvin Pierce8, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born August 25, 1925.He marriedJacquelin Werdna SCRUGGS September 21, 1949, daughter of Truman Scruggs.She was born January 19, 1930.
Children of Alvin HENDERSON and Jacquelin SCRUGGS are:
383 i. Alvin Pierce III10 HENDERSON, born January 23, 1955.
384 ii. Richard Truman HENDERSON, born January 24, 1957.
385 iii. Martha Roseanne HENDERSON, born December 16, 1960.
386 iv. Samuel Adam HENDERSON, born February 21, 1967.
300.Mary Lou9 FERRELL (Mary Elizabeth8 HENDERSON, Samuel Lewis7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born March 23, 1938.She married Wallace S ANDERSON.He was born November 11, 1935.
Child of Mary FERRELL and Wallace ANDERSON is:
387 i. Wallace Steven10 ANDERSON, born June 17, 1954.
302.Joan9 HENDERSON (Fred Lee8, Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born June 10, 1939.She married (1) UnknownCORBITT.She married (2) Henry Wayne BRUCE February 06, 1970, son of Francis BRUCE and Doris HENDERSON.He was born July 24, 1939.
More About Joan HENDERSON:
Fact 1: Previous marriage _______Corbitt
Fact 2: died
Child of Joan HENDERSON and Unknown CORBITT is:
388 i. Sandie10 CORBITT, born April 17, 1969.
304.Hansel George9 STEEDLEY (Elizabeth8 HENDERSON, Martin Elias7, Lewis Jarrell6, Berrien5, David A4, Archibald Jr McKendrick3, Archibald Henderson Sr2 McKENDRICK, Argyle1 MACKENDRICK) was born July 15, 1930.He married Margie Elita HENDERSON August 26, 1950, daughter of Henry HENDERSON and Berta RATLIFF.She was born February 11, 1930.
Children are listed above under (253) Margie Elita HENDERSON.